2014 New York Chickenstock

is there a sheet going around for chinese auction items that people are bringing - or are we just bringing what we have for the auction.???
Love how all the weather apps/websites/stations are all different. It was also supposed to rain here all week. I have yet to see a drop! Lol
Thats what they say, wait a few minutes and it changes...although, I'l liking this sunny weather, but it would have been nice to have spring instead of jumping from winter into summer...
Thats what they say, wait a few minutes and it changes...although, I'l liking this sunny weather, but it would have been nice to have spring instead of jumping from winter into summer...

I agree...I couldn't help but laugh while I was skimming thru the FB groups I belong to the other day because I feel like we went from "too cold to ship birds" to "too hot to ship birds" overnight!
Don't complain about the weather. Just get as much stuff done as you can while the sun is shining.

Stuck some Pussy Willow cuttings in a pot. It's so wet here I figure they might take. The plan is to plant and line a path into the woods with them.

DW has a cough but the plan is to still do surgery tomorrow.
Anyone have a couple 2 month old chicks ? The same age as my white rocks ?
I dont want to go back to the baby brooder thing again ...Ive had enough of it for this year ...let my broodies do that ....take care of babies thing .
Another broody hard to get her picture .
so heres the babies

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