2014 New York Chickenstock

I'm going to bring some chicks that are not spoken for, for last minute purchase....

Marans, porcelain silkies, Lav Orps,
Also Cayuga duck eggs & Coronation/light sussex split eggs.
Free LG incubator, used once.

I might also bring a few young Black Copper marans pullets...it seems I have quite a few this year.
Good point about bringing something to take your livestock home in Lynzi. I have you, Nutty, Baking and Pyxis all getting chicks/chickens from me so you all will need boxes or carriers or something. All mine will be filled for the ride up!
Good point about bringing something to take your livestock home in Lynzi. I have you, Nutty, Baking and Pyxis all getting chicks/chickens from me so you all will need boxes or carriers or something. All mine will be filled for the ride up!
Yes, I'll be bringing mine in my carriers or boxes that I keep. So if you're getting something from me, you'll need a box to put them in.
Thanks for mentioning that, it would be hectic if we forgot to bring boxes..
I am bringing several animal carriers for my animals and I do have a few boxes I can bring if someone needs them. The only thing I worry about is heat for the little ones

I don't see these chicks needing too much heat if ends up being as hot as it has been. And if it is cool maybe we'll have a designated area for one or two heat lamps. I know someone already mentioned that along with bringing an extension too. I can bring an extra heat lamp and extension if it is needed.
I don't see these chicks needing too much heat if ends up being as hot as it has been. And if it is cool maybe we'll have a designated area for one or two heat lamps. I know someone already mentioned that along with bringing an extension too. I can bring an extra heat lamp and extension if it is needed.

Not going to be that hot only 60's I do have extra heat lamps and extension cords guess will bring a brooder tote to put all chicks in that way they can have heat
Question for everyone GETTING something kind of animal at this picnic: Are you planning on bringing something to bring it home in-a box, crate, animal carrier, etc? It was just something I thought of because I am bringing 4 bunnies in a transport carrier so I'm hoping Nutty is bringing something to bring them him in-Nutty?? Will you have a box or carrier?

Also, did you all figure out ice for those who were asking? I can stop at the gas station off the exit and bring some more if need be.

I will bringing some boxes, but I will probably need them for my own purchases. I will try to bring some extras, but my car is going to be pretty full. If you are buying animals from me please bring a box for transport!
I am bringing several animal carriers for my animals and I do have a few boxes I can bring if someone needs them. The only thing I worry about is heat for the little ones

If it's cool out I was going to bring some hot hands. I have enough chicks to bring with me that they will be fine on the ride up, but I'm not buying too many birds so I was worried about the ride back. I will also bring some heat lamps and extension cords just in case.

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