2014 New York Chickenstock

I picked up everyone's chicks for tomorrow. Decided to keep them in the house since its just for the night, boy are they loud! Of course there is 40 or so of them! Such cute little fuzzy butts
Also I have had 2 speckled Sussex hatch today, its day 20, and have a few mixes pipping. Holy chicks!
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Oh you don't have to...as long we have some.
I was just gonna bring some extra juice boxes just in case.

No I work at a juice factory and should have been bringing it home for awhile but kept forgetting to so I tried to cram as much as I could this week.

What I will be bringing juice wise.

4 gallons lemonade (organic, real sweet don't go into a diabetic comma please)
2 gallons orange drink
2 gallons fruit punch
2 gallons cranberry cocktail juice
2 gallons grape juice
1.5 gallons cran-apple juice
1.5 gallons berry juice
1.5 gallons apple cherry juice
1 gallon cran-grape juice
1 gallon white grape juice
1 gallon apple kiwi strawberry juice

Well back out to work on the hoop coop some more now that I have silkies in it.
No I work at a juice factory and should have been bringing it home for awhile but kept forgetting to so I tried to cram as much as I could this week.

What I will be bringing juice wise.

4 gallons lemonade (organic, real sweet don't go into a diabetic comma please)
2 gallons orange drink
2 gallons fruit punch
2 gallons cranberry cocktail  juice
2 gallons grape juice
1.5 gallons cran-apple juice
1.5 gallons berry juice
1.5 gallons apple cherry juice
1 gallon cran-grape juice
1 gallon white grape juice
1 gallon apple kiwi strawberry juice

Well back out to work on the hoop coop some more now that I have silkies in it.

Oh wow! Well I guess you got us covered!! Sorry I missed the part about you working there...we are good to go! Lol
Oh wow! Well I guess you got us covered!! Sorry I missed the part about you working there...we are good to go! Lol

lol np. I was going to bring more but kept putting it off / forgetting to get it from work. But I figure some people will want water or pop so should be good on juice I think.
Hi folks! I have a bunch of red raspberry shoots. Dug them up in the pouring rain today and sure do hope they grow good for everyone. I have them in buckets but can divide them up into plastic bags, or if you prefer to bring another container. I have a bunch of egg cartons too that I'll bring for anyone who wants them.

Will make the deviled eggs fresh in the morning and see you all tomorrow!
Hey guys, posting for Baking. Rancher was supposed to bring the rooster, so she thought the demo was off. However, if someone can bring a big pot, something to heat the water with like a turkey frier or burner, a killing cone or something to use as one like a bleach bottle etc, a sharp paring knife, and of course a rooster, she'll still do it. We are already on the way and didn't pack the stuff.

Kitchen shears would be good too but not necessary.
I could bring the Rooster, the big pot, and the Kitchen Shears if someone else can bring the other stuff let me know otherwise I won't bring the Rooster.
Hey everyone- unfortunately the feed did not get delivered today. I'm going to be bringing the rest of my stock, but it is not much and offer it to those who have requested it first... Sorry to disappoint anyone who loses out :/

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