2014 New York Chickenstock

Tab, I made the potato salad

All the newbies are in their new homes, the RIR roo from Horsekeeper is a breeding maniac! Lol. He certainly wasn't shy with the new girls. I am tired!

He's probably tired, too.
The alpha rooster wouldn't let him near the girls for the last couple of months and he had to settle for chasing after the duck hens. (Don't ask) And then his girl moved in with the alpha and he has been living in a bachelor pad and scheming how to steal his hen back. I'm sure he thinks he is in heaven.
It was great...especially once the sun came out!! :p
Thank you for my honey
My maran babies!!!
Lav orp baby
Cochin babies

Ive been staring at them for 1/2hr :)

Oh my rose of sharon...my granola...lilac trees...bleeding hearts..goats milk cheeses...garden veggies...

Especially Im a happy girl and so thrilled we got see all our sharky playmates again!!! Love you guys
Great food and a fun day. Thanks Cass and Sonew for the lovely roos. Getting ready to set the 3 dozen eggs I bought. Fingers crossed everything goes well and I get some pretty babies.

Thanks Tab and Travis for a great job hosting the gathering.


My daughter and I had a wonderful time and got to talk to a lot of new people. A great big thank you to Tab and Travis for putting up they're home for us to use. It seemed to be a big hit and a great turnout. Thank you also goes out to Acechix and JLaw for my new babies. They are all seem to be enjoying their new home. My daughter took the Molted Cochins out in the car and all three of them slept like that for 2 1/2 hours until we got home. I'm gonna see if I can upload a picture of that soon. Thanks again all! :thumbsup
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Had such a great time! Thanks Tabs and Travis!

Next year Stock at our Farm in NH. It is 3 hours 45 min from ;)Tabs. Who's coming?
that would make it less than 2 hours from me. Assuming the roads go there from here. (I once was lost in NH because the roads didn't go where I was going. True story)
Thanks for hosting trav and tab. My kids had lots of fun and it was nice for my wife and I to get out some and see people.

Well got home to another dead silkie and another egg that was under broody missing. I think after this show for silkies we are done with them. I'm not sure if they couldn't see the food/water or vaulted skull is the problem. They have been in a brooder and just moved into their own coop with no other birds. One was dead in a different brooder this morning and the two groups of silkies have been separated for over a month now. I just trimmed the eyes I don't care if it don't grow back before the show tired of dead birds.

Hope everyone else had no problems while away today and hope everyone settles in good to their new homes.

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