2014 New York Chickenstock

Pharm--Great pics! You got one of my older 2 on the trampoline and one of me carting Nora. Nice!

Whom ever won the gift in a jar basket I hope you enjoy it. I didn't catch much of what was going on with the raffle, I was catching up with people while they were standing still.

This is for all the nice things everyone is posting and the thank yous.
Pharm--Great pics! You got one of my older 2 on the trampoline and one of me carting Nora. Nice!

Whom ever won the gift in a jar basket I hope you enjoy it. I didn't catch much of what was going on with the raffle, I was catching up with people while they were standing still.

This is for all the nice things everyone is posting and the thank yous.

Someones little girl won it ..
Ginny I missed you! You have to come to the next one. I was hoping to see you again. All the food was so good! Got my plum tree planted and fenced so I hope it grows (cause I have a black thumb). Glad you all liked the pics.

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