2014 New York Chickenstock

Pharm--Great pics! You got one of my older 2 on the trampoline and one of me carting Nora. Nice!

Whom ever won the gift in a jar basket I hope you enjoy it. I didn't catch much of what was going on with the raffle, I was catching up with people while they were standing still.

This is for all the nice things everyone is posting and the thank yous.

My daughter, Gina, won it and we are both thrilled. I have been eying those books for a while and glad I didn't order them. Looks like we will be busy creating Christmas presents this fall.
My wife thinks the kids and I are barbarians. We are eating the honey out of the bears that we won at the auction. It's just so good!!

Who put the mixed silkie eggs in the auction? Just wondering what colors there might be.
JLaw, tell your wife that you all aren't barbarians, I too have been eating honey by the spoonful! Or are you eating straight from the bear, that would be kinda barbaric, but IT IS SO GOOD!
I tasted my honey today and it is soooo good! Raw honey is the best, hands down! Horsekeeper, looks like we will both be busy for christmas as I was checking out the books I won and see many recipes I want to make!
TAB - checking so I can keep a similar climate for the fizzle I got ....

The birds in the small shed - with the blind NN ... were they out there just for the picnic or were they staying out there with no heat lamp over night ? I know they were enclosed - so no breeze ... I have a similar barn section - but don't want to use no heat if they were not acclimated yet ....

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JLaw, tell your wife that you all aren't barbarians, I too have been eating honey by the spoonful! Or are you eating straight from the bear, that would be kinda barbaric, but IT IS SO GOOD!

Straight from the bear. Turn that bad boy upside down about 3 inches from mouth and let the goodness drip on down. Already told daughter only I pour it into her mouth or she would have been mounthing the top of that bear already lol.

We also tried the red grape jam we won and liked that also.
For whoever won the runner duck eggs. I have 2 drakes, a black and a blue over 4 girls, blue, black, white and chocolate. Good luck. The hatches have been good so far.

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