2014 New York Chickenstock

My wife thinks the kids and I are barbarians. We are eating the honey out of the bears that we won at the auction.  It's just so good!!

Who put the mixed silkie eggs in the auction? Just wondering what colors  there might be.

They are not mine but since I was helping with the raffle and 50/50 I asked...they are all pure colors but all in a pen together..buffs..blacks...splashes...etc...you could get a pure from what I remember but they all run together.
Ah not the one i tried. I liked the taco sald that was on table by door to barn/shed thing there.
Travis's cousin made that one.

My daughter, Gina, won it and we are both thrilled. I have been eying those books for a while and glad I didn't order them. Looks like we will be busy creating Christmas presents this fall.

I'm so glad that you will enjoy. I made that basket.
Tab - yep - just wanted to make sure I didn't shock her system - I already put her in the mud room for tonight- but that means I can put her in the new place tomorrow night without tossing and turning all night with worry. :)
They are not mine but since I was helping with the raffle and 50/50 I asked...they are all pure colors but all in a pen together..buffs..blacks...splashes...etc...you could get a pure from what I remember but they all run together.
Ok cool. Will be nice to see what comes out of them.

Travis's cousin made that one.
I really liked that one you mind finding out what all went into it. I liked that it had some sort of red sauce on top but wasn't hot really just added some flavor. My wife and daughter loved it also. My son didn't eat anything but veggies and sweets while we was there lol.
I was going to ask you about my 2 ..If they need a light still ...mine of that age are roosting in the baby coop outside
I just put them in with them .They kind of hid in the back today . I see some of my 2 months are pecking them ..
I let my babies out to free range so they could have some peace .When I checked them later they had full crops ...

OH NO Did I get a bantam ? Do you know what I did get ?
The little Barded Black & white one is pecking the bigger one ..
Funny thing with chickens littles are sometimes more dominate ones ..Im thinking of calling it mean marge after hearing about the other mean marge
Well Hubby found out today we have 2 more chickens ...HE Said I was hoping no more would come home with you ..
Doesnt know about the ducks yet ...MY son bought them I will let him tell him .
I was going to ask you about my 2 ..If they need a light still ...mine of that age are roosting in the baby coop outside
I just put them in with them .They kind of hid in the back today . I see some of my 2 months are pecking them ..
I let my babies out to free range so they could have some peace .When I checked them later they had full crops ...

OH NO Did I get a bantam ? Do you know what I did get ?
The little Barded Black & white one is pecking the bigger one ..
Funny thing with chickens littles are sometimes more dominate ones ..Im thinking of calling it mean marge after hearing about the other mean marge
Well Hubby found out today we have 2 more chickens ...HE Said I was hoping no more would come home with you ..
Doesnt know about the ducks yet ...MY son bought them I will let him tell him .
AHOH Not Gramma Chick is going to be in trouble
Gramma- The juveniles you got from me are large fowl. We just keep them closer to the house when they are little.

Jlaw- I have the church cook book with the recipe i'll post it later

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