2014 New York Chickenstock

All I have are 10 week olds fromTSC. I got 2 cockerals and 2 pullets.

Never mind. I don't care for hatchery birds. Plus they get their chicks from Mt. Healthy, who just got written up for salmonella. Sorry.
Only seven eggs again today. Not happy. Not happy at all. I guess Bills absence has affected them more than I thought it would. Brats are beating on the monsters again today. Not all the time, just from time to time. I noticed that its the mutt brats that are doing it. My red boys are just chillin, hanging out with the girls but those mutt boys....well they will be much better when they are canned. I think I found my Clyde. Number 78 on his leg. He is just a chill guy. Doesnt get involved much but when he does, everyone else backs right down. Have to get my hands on him and start working with him. Girls are looking good. I have one that is dark already and her tail is kinda wide. Lordy I cant wait to see them in four months when they have their grownup feathers on. Gave my silkie girls a trim on their heads and butts. Poor things couldnt see well with all that poof. I depoofed them around the eyes and butts(for cleanliness). I think they liked it when I was done. At least they can see where they are going now! Locked down 11 blue silkie eggs. Hope they hatch as its been a horrible year for hatching silkies. Got two mommas on eggs as well. Im sure they will hatch out something because they always do.

Gotta run.
My neighbor is NOT amused that I won the Guinea eggs in the auction. I am NOT amused that he has chosen to stack his firewood ON the property line. We are even, in my mind. LOL

(I told his wife that if the guineas come over there and are eating their chicken's food I will buy her a bag a couple times a year. She's fine with the Guineas as they eat ticks and she has 2 small girls she has to check daily for ticks)
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Don't blame ya. I just wanted some cheap layers. I was thinking about getting a non hatchery BR or 2 to put in with my RIR roo.

It's not that they're particularly bad, but they're too far from the standard. Too they don't lay very long. My hens are nearing 4 or 5 and still laying. They are a prolific in the short term but are good over the long haul.

I find that if you're intend to get attached to your birds you want birds that will last a few years. Hatchery birds can do that but aren't as reliable. I have been proven wrong though.
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Tab and Travis thank you for having us the farm is charming. Henny keifer multiples fast, Sister said she had some scoby if you could pls p.m. with her contact info ty. Sue never had animals take to new food water so fast. Thinking that might need third job to keep that Cor. in feed, all are doing well bright eyed, active, and droppings good. Rabbits aren't to keen on the birds keep hiding on top boards trying to figure out where all the noise is coming from. Zippies (boarder collie) checked them out hasn't bothered them sense, he always been good with the rabbits.
Well my new chicks from Tab went outside for their first time ..Shoot I didnt get pics ...
they have been staying in the back of the pen ...not even thinking of getting out ...even with the door open .
So I put them out in a little run today ...
I think is the 1st time they have saw grass ...it wasnt long before they were pecking it ..

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