2014 New York Chickenstock

Nope their yours! Been using the same sliver dishes since the 90's only way I can get new ones is if all the others disappear. Take them to your next event and leave them-) now I need to attend 20 pot luck dinners before I get new set of dishes.
For whoever won the runner duck eggs. I have 2 drakes, a black and a blue over 4 girls, blue, black, white and chocolate. Good luck. The hatches have been good so far.

Cool! My husband won that auction and the eggs are in the bator now. I plan to candle them sometime next week to see how they are doing.
My neighbor is NOT amused that I won the Guinea eggs in the auction. I am NOT amused that he has chosen to stack his firewood ON the property line. We are even, in my mind. LOL

(I told his wife that if the guineas come over there and are eating their chicken's food I will buy her a bag a couple times a year. She's fine with the Guineas as they eat ticks and she has 2 small girls she has to check daily for ticks)

I'm glad you won the guinea eggs! You will have to send me some pics of the keets when they hatch. I haven't had a chance to set any myself yet with my bators being full of eggs I bough and won at the auction, plus all the ones I've ordered. They should be a mix of pretty colors. They are awesome for ticks. I haven't seen one since we got them.

I haven't had a chance to get on in the past few days, but we had a great time! Thank you Tab and Travis for hosting!
The other half discovered the chickens today, handle it very well named them Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner. Lavender orp. turned on her charm and he calmed her for his own, asked me for a list of treats. Coronation starting to get some color around her neck on her tail, and gosh they do grow fast.
Happy Memorial Day! The plum is planted. We planted about 20 apple trees and the plum today, dug as deep of holes as we could, put the tree in, watered, put mulch on and put a plastic barrier around to hopefully ward off rodents. Busy day. We planted the plum with the small plum tree because they were sharing the same bucket of potting soil but will see if the small one makes it or not, it was a bit droopy looking. The tall plum looks good, nice leaves, will see how it does in time. We were attacked by tiny black flies toward the end of the planting day. It's looking like we're going to need something next year to combat the bugs over there. Guineas? Ducks? The stone building is coming along, we have a plan to convert it into our farm store. It already has electric with lights, doors, replaced windows last year and have a few more to do this year, and need to replace one more door. Then decorate!

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