2015 August hatch-a-long!!

Didn't even know there was an actual paint gene. I thought it was as simple as mixing silkie colors lol. With a little research I realize I am mistaken. BUT there is hope, I saw a thread and this woman got started with her paint silkies by mixing a white silkie rooster with a black silkie hen like I will be so we'll see what happens I guess

They probably have some hidden genetics that will provide some surprises!!
Hi everyone,

I'm showing up late to the party for my first hatch

Honestly, I wasn't expecting fertile eggs with 2 roosters around 16 weeks old and just had to rehome one because he was noisy and we live within city limits lol. So I have white leghorn hens and red sex link hens that are laying, the roos are a bantam cochin (the one I sadly had to rehome) and an EE. Candling has been hard with the brown eggs but 5/6 white eggs are developing nicely, day 7 they had veins and small embryos visible. I'm so excited even if I only get one chick to play "who's your daddy" but would love at least one white and one brown egg to hatch. They are expected to hatch around August 31st
Hi everyone,

  I'm showing up late to the party for my first hatch :frow

Honestly, I wasn't expecting fertile eggs with 2 roosters around 16 weeks old and just had to rehome one because he was noisy and we live within city limits lol. So I have white leghorn hens and red sex link hens that are laying, the roos are a bantam cochin (the one I sadly had to rehome) and an EE. Candling has been hard with the brown eggs but 5/6 white eggs are developing nicely, day 7 they had veins and small embryos visible. I'm so excited even if I only get one chick to play "who's your daddy" but would love at least one white and one brown egg to hatch. They are expected to hatch around August 31st
Mine are expected to hatch the 31st too it's my birthday :) you'd be surprise how fast roosters get fertile. I've had some fertile at 12 weeks maybe even a little younger. I hope you have a great hatch and am looking forward to hearing the progress :)
The thing is, I've never caught them in the act. I'm currently trying to get pics from my phone to laptop in order to post so if I do get a few chicks maybe we can all guess who they came from
Excited to hear about everyone else's updates too, good luck with your hatch!
Well, emptied the turner, only 4 Australorpes left (out of start of 9) 2 yard eggs iffy, one started about 10 days after the rest were set. Put it on a scarf n threaded an end under the lid of 'bator so i can roll without disturbing those in 'lockdown'. Had the rabbit in the house n difficult to get back to check on the eggs, so No idea if internal pips are still alive or not. Thursday is marked as 'hatch day' so looking forward to new lives. So worried I've killee them all with attention to wrong details. Time

all my concern was for naught, 4 out of eggs, left for an hour then 5
forgot to put paper towel or softer material than the wire. I still consider them on 'lockdown'. Yolk sack will fortify for awhile yet, other eggs yet to hatch, they need time now,

Hatch date eve All quiet, early morning, fear for weak chicks, No rocking, do hear one cheeping n knocking (still) hours to go till actual expected pipping n zipping. Almost more afraid to 'help' is a catch 22 help wrong or too quickly or leave alone n trust/faith they are strong enough to get themselves broken out of spherical prison.
I want to Thank All of you that posted words or emogies of encouragement. Frankie Ruiz, you planned yourself a Wonderful birthday present. With all my being, I hope is a joyous day for you.
3:20 a.m. went to check on the incubator n its precious contents. To find a little one deaped over eggs, standing with eyes open. Went back with Tablet for pictures n is in a heap steps away from were I last saw it, pipped egg it had previously draped itself over, both are yard eggs, still waiting on shipped eggs to show some sign.
have to try to sleep again. More news perhaps pictures soon.
Silky x almost dry, 3 more beaks thru, Australorpe is Rocking!
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I am on lock down as of tonight. Only 1 out of my 8 Seramas is still viable. She's got great veins and good movement. Temp 99.5 & humidity up to 65. I'm hoping this one will make it. Good wishes to everyone else on this Hatch-a-long!
Well, emptied the turner, only 4 Australorpes left (out of start of 9) 2 yard eggs iffy, one started about 10 days after the rest were set. Put it on a scarf n threaded an end under the lid of 'bator so i can roll without disturbing those in 'lockdown'. Had the rabbit in the house n difficult to get back to check on the eggs, so No idea if internal pips are still alive or not. Thursday is marked as 'hatch day' so looking forward to new lives. So worried I've killee them all with attention to wrong details. Time
Goodluck I hope they make it! Fingers crossed
I am on lock down as of tonight. Only 1 out of my 8 Seramas is still viable. She's got great veins and good movement. Temp 99.5 & humidity up to 65. I'm hoping this one will make it. Good wishes to everyone else on this Hatch-a-long!
I hope she makes it. Seramas are adorable. I should get a few... Uh oh. Here comes a case of the chicken math

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