2015 August hatch-a-long!!

Leave 'screamer' in the incubator. It will motivate the rest of the chicks to hatch.

Eggs- "GAH!! Steve! Shaddup!" "You're lucky mom's not here!" "I'm staying in here..." "I can't reach my ears!"
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Lollolololoololool you all are gunna make me pee :) no I don't think you've seen Nugget yet he's super sweet but I do need to get some better pics of him. I'll post the best I have. BTW everyone congrats on all the new babies :)


And this stunning little or not so little anymore is Lily our isa brown who laid our first egg yesterday, a soft-shelled thing with a who knows what coming off it. She promptly then tried to eat it sorry about no pics of it I picked it up and then had a clumsy moment dropping it on DH2B's boot...oops... It was a complete egg inside and fertile sadly by our aggressive roo who shortly is taking a trip to freezer camp. I refuse to think about hatching his babies I have scratches and small cuts on my legs from him a few days ago. I wouldn't risk that aggressive behavior being passed on.
Chicken dreams 24: regarding your earlier posts. Well let us just begin with the wet pants sitch....did scovy momma succeed in making you pee your drAws?!?! Lol lol lol lol lol sorry but not really! That was hilarious! We Sacramentens are very passionate and you'd see our hands flying too if you could see us!!! Well the Italian in me causes that too. Hugh huh I can see his resemblance. Oh yea hunka hunka! At least that's what Oliver struts around saying to himself. Look at me,look at me,look at me wit my bad self! Lol!!!quacks me up! I just love the black with white spots one. Gimme gimme gimme? So freezer camp,eh? Is that the chicken governments politically correct way to say he's getting violated?
Good god are Cochin Babtams super loud or did I just get a special one? I have 3 big kids out & 1 Cochin but I couldn't sleep cuz it just keeps screaming. So I opened bator & put it back in for the night. Another Cochin was hatched & 2 silky eggs have pipped!!! I should have a party by morning!!!

Hey just a thought,,,,when my two banty chicks were born they very quickly discovered their vocal chords too. Annoying when you're sleeping. Beautiful when you are awake.....assuming you slept at some point,enough to actually enjoy what was keeping you up to begin with. So anywho,I know that even newborns have an internal clock. They see light and its game on. This is how the multi million dollar egg layers keep up with supply and demand. They put lights in the coops with the birds so as to trick their internal body clock. Thus,making the hens think it's day time and start laying!!! And they lay for 24 hours straight and so on.. Cruel. To me,it's not fair to the hen. Hard on their lil bodies. God designed rest for a reason. And the daylight hours He provides are enough. But where there's money, there's greed...greed for more. At the expense of a precious animals life. Point is,I covered my girls with a light blanket. They're out all night.(in snoozy town) In the morn,I'll hear soft tweets and lovely twurs. (It's a tweet and a purr combined) but they stay quiet until I get up and partially pull back their blankey. Hope this helps. God bless all of the fur mamas and fur dadas!!!! Fur babies fill a void in every life they touch.
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Thanks everyone!! Mr mouth did his job, I now have bantams out screaming!!! Ha ha
I was suppose to have Cochin & silky eggs. They are marked. According to the eggs I have 5 Cochins but 2 are all white so I'm confused? Eggs miss marked or white Cochins?
My little silkie chick hatched during the night. Seems to be doing quite well even though mama got off during hatching and a trip to the bator. Looks to be a gray partridge chick.
I moved the last of my August eggs over to the hatcher last night. Of course I candled them. Most of them had already internally pipped and peeped at me. I'll probably get a couple of early hatchers tonight (day 19) and the rest will likely hatch tomorrow. At least, thats the way my last few hatches have gone. I think I'll do one more hatch for the year and then I'll put the incubators away. I put 4 duck eggs in the other day, if they're fertile, they're due towards the end of September. The last 6 I put in were duds, so

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