2015 August hatch-a-long!!

Question: a couple times I saw a 5-6 hour old chick peck toward the eye of a newly hatched chick. Is this intentional or accidental? Should I stop this or is there nothing to be done about it. I can't watch them all the time, even if I'd like to. It happened with a few different ones, just wondering. I don't remember this happening when I was young.

Here is the latest picture. We are up to 18 out of 24 hatched so far. We bought the eggs knowing they might be full barred rock, full RIR or maybe combo since at this time of year they just let all their birds run together. You can see who the combos are.
I wanted mostly BR, but I like them all right now.

If the incubator is starting to get a bit crowded, and newly hatched chicks are getting run over and pecked at by the stronger, older chicks; then it's time to move the stronger chicks to a brooder. The newly hatched chicks will still peep their heads off to encourage those still in their shells, and they will get a chance to rest in relative peace.
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Same thing happened to three of my chicks. I held them for a long time, under my shirt, keeping them warm and helping them strengthen their legs. I put drips of save-a-chick on their beak regularly and kept them in a box in my room. They could barely lift their heads or open their eyes, let alone stand. It took them a couple days, but now they are some of the strongest, healthiest chicks I've ever seen!

I hope it gets better! Best of luck!

It passed away last night & it sucks. Everyone else is up hopping around. I couldn't get her to drink the electrolytes but at least it didn't suffer. Part of life is death & living on a farm it's expected.

Heartfelt sympathy. I live on a farm too. And I've seen my share of death. Especially with the chicks. Yes,it's expected and a part of life. Still so hard to accept at times,no doubt. My prayers are with you.
Question: a couple times I saw a 5-6 hour old chick peck toward the eye of a newly hatched chick. Is this intentional or accidental? Should I stop this or is there nothing to be done about it. I can't watch them all the time, even if I'd like to. It happened with a few different ones, just wondering. I don't remember this happening when I was young. Here is the latest picture. We are up to 18 out of 24 hatched so far. We bought the eggs knowing they might be full barred rock, full RIR or maybe combo since at this time of year they just let all their birds run together. You can see who the combos are. :love I wanted mostly BR, but I like them all right now.
Ok so when my two banty chicks were born,a day apart,the younger one was pecking at the older ones beak almost non stop! I was so sad and frustrated for her. I asked for advice too. But eventually,she just stopped. It lasted about mmmmmm...3 days. If the one being pecked is in danger health wise,I'd separate them,yes. An eye being pecked is much more dangerous than a beak. Lemme know how it goes. It might end up stopping,but idk how much damage will be caused before it does.
First one pipped this morning... Unfortunately it was at the wrong end and he hit a blood vessel... :( not a great start. Hoping some others will pip soon. It is a compromised clutch, we had painters painting the house, and they unplugged the extension chord for the incubator. I only had about 8 that survived that ordeal.
Ok so when my two banty chicks were born,a day apart,the younger one was pecking at the older ones beak almost non stop! I was so sad and frustrated for her. I asked for advice too. But eventually,she just stopped. It lasted about mmmmmm...3 days. If the one being pecked is in danger health wise,I'd separate them,yes. An eye being pecked is much more dangerous than a beak. Lemme know how it goes. It might end up stopping,but idk how much damage will be caused before it does.

Put a mirror in there or several it will give them something to peck at besides each other.

Sorry I quoted the wrong person but hope this helps anyway.
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Last update...

Last jubilee hatched. Candled the last 3 eggs. 2 lockdown quitters and 1 was malpositioned.

Out of 9 cream legbars, I had 7 hatch.
Out of 8 jubilees, I had 7 hatch also.

Good luck to remaining August hatchings.
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No that's a great idea! Thank you. Ok so question. As yall know I have the 7 RIR's and 3barred chicks. They are now about a month old. I've been very slowly introducing them to the older birds. Now remember,I have the 2 mean hens. That have murdered their hatchlings just because of color. As of now,they seem to be fine with the chicks. I'm wanting to know when yall think it would be safe to actually free them from their tractor? They're in the coop with the others. But during the day,when the others range,they stay inside either the tractor or the run with the door closed. We are wanting to let them out to range with the others. But don't want any issues. I guess the only way to really know is to just do it and supervise. What do yall think? Then there's my two bantys. They're almost the same age but more than half the size! I've been taking them out too. Thanks dolls!

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