I just purchased 9 chicks from TSC in Hazlehurst. The labeling there is absolutely ridiculous, or was at the time I made my purchase. I don't think any of their chicks were sorted properly. I went ahead and bought four Rhode Island Reds, three of what appear to be Barred Rocks but were mixed in with the RIRs..? And two that were labeled as Delawares. I felt iffy about it but didn't want to order any through the mail while it's still any kind of cold out. These are my first chickens though, so I am happy regardless of what they turn out to be.
I'm also very hesitant to order from someone and have them shipped to me. I can only imagine how hard it is on the sweet little things!


was told when I bought from TSC these pullets were rir...now that feathers are coming in white I really have my doubts...haha. does anyone want to venture a guess as to what breed they are?


was told when I bought from TSC these pullets were rir...now that feathers are coming in white I really have my doubts...haha. does anyone want to venture a guess as to what breed they are?
I googled RIR chick and the photos on Google seemed to be identical to my girls. My girls feathers are coming in more and more and they look nothing like that. Who knows. I guess time will tell for sure!


was told when I bought from TSC these pullets were rir...now that feathers are coming in white I really have my doubts...haha. does anyone want to venture a guess as to what breed they are?
This is from Google, and I googled buff Orpington chick and I think this looks a lot like your little one!
I googled RIR chick and the photos on Google seemed to be identical to my girls. My girls feathers are coming in more and more and they look nothing like that. Who knows. I guess time will tell for sure!
The one on the left is what I think is an RIR, this is what her feathers look like as of today.

was told when I bought from TSC these pullets were rir...now that feathers are coming in white I really have my doubts...haha. does anyone want to venture a guess as to what breed they are?

This is from Google, and I googled buff Orpington chick and I think this looks a lot like your little one!
The white feathers make me think more white leghorn (google for chick pics). My buff orps never had white feathers come in on the wings like that. I bet they will lay lots of tasty eggs either way though. ;-)

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