The white feathers make me think more white leghorn (google for chick pics).  My buff orps never had white feathers come in on the wings like that.  I bet they will lay lots of tasty eggs either way though.  ;-)

thanks for feedback all. Aftr a couple hours of extensive internet googling I think I have golden comets...they have the two racing stripes down the back for the pullets. They are just too orangey/buff to be white leghorns but with sexlink critters if there is any silver lineage that will take dominance hence the white feathers...I think.
I just purchased 9 chicks from TSC in Hazlehurst. The labeling there is absolutely ridiculous, or was at the time I made my purchase. I don't think any of their chicks were sorted properly. I went ahead and bought four Rhode Island Reds, three of what appear to be Barred Rocks but were mixed in with the RIRs..? And two that were labeled as Delawares. I felt iffy about it but didn't want to order any through the mail while it's still any kind of cold out. These are my first chickens though, so I am happy regardless of what they turn out to be.
The birds do not come sorted or labeled anymore due to customer complaints that they didn't get what they were told they were getting. Now everything is put in together and sold as various breeds unless specified.
Well, that's typical - instead of educating your employees so they can provide good customer service, just make it worse in order to indemnify yourself.
Could you show me the difference between a RIR, NHR, a RSC, a RSL, and tell me the advantage and disadvantages of each?
Just got my baby chicks from TSC, and all six of them seem to be healthy and happy. I am not sure on four of their breeds, since they were an assorted mix of pullets. I was hopping to put them under my broody silkie, but when I gave them to her she looked up at me as if asking me what the heck she was supposed to do with these little fluffy peepers! So they are now in a brooder. Will post pics tomorrow to see if anyone can help me recognize their breeds!
The birds do not come sorted or labeled anymore due to customer complaints that they didn't get what they were told they were getting. Now everything is put in together and sold as various breeds unless specified.

That's good to know! Does that mean that the chicks that were labeled as a certain breed are actually that breed? Or just more than likely that breed? I mean who specifies what gets labeled as what? Sorry for all of the questions, just curious!
That's good to know! Does that mean that the chicks that were labeled as a certain breed are actually that breed? Or just more than likely that breed? I mean who specifies what gets labeled as what? Sorry for all of the questions, just curious!
The hatchery will label the boxes but right now due to the weather they are not getting perfect hatch rates. If they are to send 100 pullets and only 25 RIR's hatch then they will fill the rest of the order with similar high egg laying pullets. It's not to make anyone angry or confuse anyone it is simply they are trying to fill the order they have been hired to fill. As the season goes on and the weather warms up and hatch rates increase this all may change but as of now the hatcheries are doing the best they can to fill the orders. If the tub was labeled a specific breed then odds are that's what they are. That particular hatchery may have gotten a good hatch of BO's and they were able to send all 100 birds as they promised. If it says mixed pullets and you are a backyard farmer wanting specific breeds then it is up to your research and your due diligence to get the chicks you want. I have farmers everyday that could not care less what breeds they are, they will simply ask for 25 pullets and walk out the door.
If they are to send 100 pullets and only 25 RIR's hatch then they will fill the rest of the order with similar high egg laying pullets. It's not to make anyone angry or confuse anyone it is simply they are trying to fill the order they have been hired to fill. If the tub was labeled a specific breed then odds are that's what they are. If it says mixed pullets and you are a backyard farmer wanting specific breeds then it is up to your research and your due diligence to get the chicks you want.

That makes sense, good to know! Thank you for the explanation :)

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