2015 HALLOWEEN Hatch-a-Long, Join us IF YOU DARE!

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Tomorrow is day 7 and will include another round of candling. Should the eggs be held upside down, I've seen images of people doing it that way and it seems dangerous? I thought maybe one had a blood ring, but I'm not sure, there were veins like the others but also a red ring around the air cell, but I couldn't see if it was just a circular vein. *fingers crossed*
Tomorrow is day 7 and will include another round of candling. Should the eggs be held upside down, I've seen images of people doing it that way and it seems dangerous? I thought maybe one had a blood ring, but I'm not sure, there were veins like the others but also a red ring around the air cell, but I couldn't see if it was just a circular vein. *fingers crossed*

Since I like to jar the eggs as little as possible, if I incubate vertically I candle by shining my flashlight down into the air cell. If I incubate horizontally, I shine in from the end while the egg is held horizontally. Those blood vessels are very delicate and without care, they can be ruptured. You will sometimes see hemorrhages in an incubating egg, if the chick survives you will see a dark clot or string of blood when candling.
Since I like to jar the eggs as little as possible, if I incubate vertically I candle by shining my flashlight down into the air cell.  If I incubate horizontally, I shine in from the end while the egg is held horizontally.  Those blood vessels are very delicate and without care, they can be ruptured.  You will sometimes see hemorrhages in an incubating egg, if the chick survives you will see a dark clot or string of blood when candling.

Thanks, I'm trying to be as gentle as possible with slow turns and movements. I will remember to keep them upright since they're in an autoturner. I was holding them on their side. Right now all 27 eggs have veins or developemental shadows. I hope at least half hatch. They are my own eggs and I'm pretty excited.
I have news!!

Three babies.
And the other three are pipped! The first one to hatch at 3:35 A.M. was the one that still hadn't done anything by the time I went to bed. I could hear chirping from the bator, so thought it might happen by morning. Man, these babies have furry/feathered feet! :)

Photos later, not feeling so hot today. :/
Now that cat looks sweet, it like it is truly enjoying that hug. Looks content, as cats love to be. What a cute young man. I love kid photos with food faces.
I forgot .. I have two Cochin eggs in there...dad would be the blue silke frizzle. I have the eggs marked, cc and s..remembered when I saw this white/pink beak breathing though the hole it's made so far..looked way over the window to see if I could see the initials..yep, cc. This little bantam mama is a calico cochin..should be interesting to see how this baby looks.
All these dog photos and I have a cat!
We like cats too. Photos..


My Princess Leia! She thinks she's one of the dogs. She doesn't cat very well at all.
Bonus: my ma's goofy cat Chuchi
They are both very pretty. I love Chuchi's markings.

I candled a day early for day 14. Out of 18 eggs, I had 9 clears and 2 blood rings. Only 7 left. I think the breeder has fertility issues, with so many clear. Oh well 7 is better than zero.

Hear are my pups!


On April 19th - I hatched my white Call duck, Winter, and my baby, Palmer, raised her. Winter imprinted on Palmer. And, Palmer immediately took to Winter as if she was her own. Winter lives inside with Palmer and my other two Yorkies, Palmer's daddy and momma. They are Winter's flock. Palmer and Winter have a very special relationship. I love my babies more than anything in the world! I am forever blessed!

OMG, this is adorable

@TJChickens the duckling I hatched from you July 2nd and my baby, Palmer

He blends right in with my Palm Palm! Anyone up for a game of I Spy
My favorite!

All these chickies and I have 16 days left.
Right! I have a few days less than you. Candled last night and air cells are horrific. I don't even know where to begin but some are saddles, some are double hump camels

I have more news!!

Three pips. First pip, still the same.

Loving all of the dog photos and cat photos! That white one is very pretty. :)

I used to have a Yorky...here is with one of our hens..a series of photos for fun. He just wanted to play, but that BO..not so much!

This picture is hilarious

I have a Dachshund now. His coloring is Pie Bald. Funny little lap hog.

And, we have a Schnoodle.. He's getting old. :/

And, our Golden R. that watches over our chickens. Actually, that Schnoodle does a pretty good job of that too! Chases off the neighbors cats. Oops, cats..we have no cats..but I like cats. Used to raise Persian cats. Back in the 80's. All dogs now. Love them.
All are beautiful! The dachshund looks like his tail is longer than his body, TOO CUTE!

Ok here is a picture of my little man and our kitty, as promised
(also lots of ketchup!)

On a less happy note, my eggs look like 6/7 are clears (day 10), and the last one(day 7?) is....weird. Split long ways, it's clear on one half of the egg, dark on the other. ???? It's shell mush be really thick because it's much harder to see into than my other ones. I'm going to give them till 14 and then probably will be doing a total loss
I'm so sad!
PRECIOUS! That's one cool cat.
So sorry to hear your sad news. Were they shipped eggs? I'm not doing so well here either.

Day 20 no pops no cherps but the eggs are rolling

I don't generally count the clears in my percentage, as no amount of incubation will hatch an egg that is not viable.
Does shipping affect viability?

Tomorrow is day 7 and will include another round of candling. Should the eggs be held upside down, I've seen images of people doing it that way and it seems dangerous? I thought maybe one had a blood ring, but I'm not sure, there were veins like the others but also a red ring around the air cell, but I couldn't see if it was just a circular vein. *fingers crossed*
Good question, I've wondered this myself. I have a ovascope and it just seems counter to everything I'm trying to do to help bad air cells.

I have news!!

Three babies.
And the other three are pipped! The first one to hatch at 3:35 A.M. was the one that still hadn't done anything by the time I went to bed. I could hear chirping from the bator, so thought it might happen by morning. Man, these babies have furry/feathered feet! :)

Photos later, not feeling so hot today. :/
for you!
I'm not feeling so well either. Horrible headache. hope you feel better real soon so you can enjoy those chicks
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