2016 Gosling Hatch-a-long

Oh no sorry to hear. Hate that feeling when there was something wrong with the temperature, humidity etc.
I'm pretty sure my temperature was too high and low a lot of the time.
Hopefully the next batch will do better! :(
How long will the goose sit on her eggs if they're not fertile? Will I have to take the eggs away from her? They started laying 1st week in March

buy now their probably rotten...been 2 months months or pretty close and they should of hatched about 30 days after she sat on them...so now their dead if any grew and are probably rotten...so i would try to break her of sitting and take the eggs or just take they eggs and let her leave herself
I'm sorry I didn't keep better records. On 3/7, there were 7 eggs. On 3/13, 12 eggs, on the 17, there was a 2nd nest. One goose started sitting full time the week of 4/17. I'm not sure of the exact date. The 2nd goose started sitting 5/1. With these calculation, is it to premature to break up the nest? Thank you all for your help.
Super nice day today meaning a gozzy update

Buff African male

The mixed breed(3 and a half weeks old)on the left and two 6 day old males


The biggest gosling who's a month old on Monday and is a female





Second oldest and second biggest gosling. Also female






Brother and sister :)

This is my favourite of 16 goslings. He's a 6 day old and chats all the time.


Hopefully one of the goslings will grow a dewlap in their first year ;)
72elizabeth, I have geese that figure out their eggs will not hatch after 5 weeks and others that will sit for well over 2+ months. I like to wait until they leave nest and then steal their eggs. Sometimes I bust up the nest too if they do not get the hint.

Serv. love the pictures!! Your babies are so adorable. Wish I had a few buff africans in my group. I'm getting so nervous about this weekend's scheduled hatch (2 white and 2 dewlap). Hope I can hatch at least one white baby!!
Thanks Iain Utah. One goose does get off the nest occasionally, The other looks like she's cemented on the nest. She starts yelling and the ganders come running. I guess I'm gonna have to figure out a way to steal the eggs and not get attacked. I could put a dummy egg in the nest, but it's a guinea size dummy egg. Do you think that will work?
Wish you the best with your eggs.
If there is a problem with the eggs again then it has to be the incubator.
Come on babies!
Liz, good luck with stealing their eggs. FYI, I would not put a dummy egg in nest. So long as there is an egg in the nest, the goose may not leave.

Serv, Thanks! I am sooooo nervous! I had one white egg quit, so I have 4 going into hatching mode now (2 whites/2 dewlaps).

In the meantime, my surprise set of goslings are growing like weeds.

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