Ended 2024 Valentine's Day Contest Series—Wattle I Do Without You?

We all love Ravioli! Thanks for the back story ❤️ she us obviously very special!
Thank you so much. I have a thread out there somewhere detailing the process of her integration. It was sad and hard trying to integrate one lone chicken, but so worth it. I’m so proud of her. For anyone wondering, she hasn’t ever eaten a solid egg here with us.
Thank you so much. I have a thread out there somewhere detailing the process of her integration. It was sad and hard trying to integrate one lone chicken, but so worth it. I’m so proud of her. For anyone wondering, she hasn’t ever eaten a solid egg here with us.

No doubt- she is in a much better environment so beyond her egg eating years 🤣

You too were meant to find each other ❤️

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