21 days till Market Week


8 Years
Jul 24, 2011
Vista, CA
The kids cornish are way behind the power curve. they are about 1/2 the size of the other kids birds. That is partially my fault because I didn't have the grow out brooder ready and they stayed in the chick brooder much longer than they should have, didn't get much sun exposure, etc. they will definitely be under the 6# maximum, but I am not sure (if there is a minimum) they will make it to judging.

They get 28% protein right now, 12 hr access to feed and enough water. What else can they feed them to help pack it on? I was thinking of adding flax meal to their feed. Is there anything else that I can have the kids add to help bulk up? I don't think I can get them to drink protein shakes, lol.

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