2x2s for roosting poles

True, branches grow round. But branches can be any width from paper-thin to more than a foot wide (which is effectively flat for a chicken's feet).

If anyone has chickens that do roost on trees, it would be interesting to know what size branches they choose to be on, and whether they chose the smallest or largest branches on the tree (as compared with choosing something in the middle.)
I've seen my Araucana's perched in the flimsy branches of my Camelia and my Hibiscus. I was so amused when I saw the camellia shaking wildly from the kitchen window lol. The hibiscus is a lot more stable as far as solid branches go and they have stayed there overnite when I gave up herding them! They also love perching on an old metal lounge frame.
I have both 2x2's and 2x4's in the coop. I figured a test would be to put one of each at the same height (in an L-shape) and see which they prefer. The Roo is the first in and he chooses the 2x2, and so all the top hens follow. The 2nd's have the 2x4 (or they may just prefer it) The young ones end up on the lower 2x4. In the pen, I have tree branches of varying sizes( 1"-6") During the day, it doesn't seem to matter - They've perched on 1" branches, and on a 6" wide fence pole (probably their favourite). Personally, I find they care more about the height or the smoothness, than the size of the branch.
I've seen my Araucana's perched in the flimsy branches of my Camelia and my Hibiscus. I was so amused when I saw the camellia shaking wildly from the kitchen window lol. The hibiscus is a lot more stable as far as solid branches go and they have stayed there overnite when I gave up herding them! They also love perching on an old metal lounge frame.
Or the back of a lawn chair!
2x4s seem way to big IMO , so I was wondering would 2x2s work,

I use 2X4's, laid flat.

The 2x4s wide side up gives the chickens room to rest on their keel and also to cover their feet and keep them warm.

Yes, keeping their feet warm in my northern Minnesota winter is a major concern for me. Before I built my coop 5 years ago, I read a University research paper on chicken roosts. Their findings and recommendations were to use a 2X4 laid flat. The chickens need to tuck their feet up into their body in cold weather to keep warm. A larger flat surface area was better in their study. So I made my perches with 2X4's laid flat as well. I've never had a problem.

A bird's feet are designed to grasp around a branch. regardless of the diameter, it should not be totally flat.

Chickens are birds, but their feet and muscles are different from most wild birds in regards to perching...


Ref: Chicken Roosts: What Are Perches and Why Your Hens Need Them

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