3 1/2 year old hen laid two shell less eggs in one week!

We don't think it's leaking from her butt. And it literally looks like someone cracked an egg in the nesting box. Her abdomen doesn't seem any larger than normal.

How do we get a fecal float? Vet's office?
Yes, you would get a fecal float at the vet's office. Collect a fresh sample of her droppings in a little baggy and take it in.

It's good that she's not leaking and it sounds like there is at least a membrane covering the yolk.
It can be very hard to expel a soft shell membrane, so giving her the Extra Calcium Citrate with D3 daily will hopefully help firm up the shell and help with contractions so she can push the egg out.
thanks! so sounds like you give them some food mixed with DE and some food without it mixed in? so you are giving them a variety? how much DE do you mix in?


To give you details, my chickens and my ducks have an unlimited access to 8 feeders for now :
- 1 metal feeder with : Wheat + Duck/Goose Pellets
- 1 metal feeder with : Layer Pellets + Broken Corn
- 1 metal feeder with : Premium Mix for Poultry (Layer and Ornemental)
- 2 plastic feeders with : Wheat + Duck/Goose Pellets + Food grade Diatomaceous Earth
- 3 plastic feeders with : Premium Mix for Poultry (Layer and Ornemental) + Food grade Diatomaceous Earth.

The birds have also an unlimited access to 2 plastic feeders (actually drinkers, but whatever) with Oystershell Grit for the ducks, and Oystershell Grit on the ground for the chickens (only because the chickens prefer to eat grit directly on the ground).

The plastic feeders where I mix food grade Diatomateous Earth in the food are :
- 2 Grub feeders (from
- 3 New Eglu Cube feeders (from

Concerning the amount of food grade Diatomatous Earth I put in these feeders... I actually don't worry about that : since I prefer to put too much than not enough, I "just" put one or two ordinary pet food scoops (2000 grams) of DE in the feeders, then I put the food in next and MIX them together.
(Just in case, to be extra-careful : I put AT LEAST one mask on when I mix DE - so I can not breath it...!)

...I really am NOT worried to put too much Diatomaceous Earth in the feeders : not only it is food grade and renowned to be very good for health anyway, but in addition, if "too much" there is, it will eventually fall at the bottom of the feeder (and so, I can always just re-use it if needed)...

(...If ever you would be interested to know :
Having mixed Diatomaceous Earth in the ducks and chickens' food for several months now... I can tell you (my) birds have a preference : indeed, they clearly prefer to eat food mixed with DE than food without DE.
And that's really the same food, so...)
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