3 Chickens Deads other sick, HELP!!

DaniLovesChickens wrote: From the symptoms you listed it sounds most like Infectious Coryza, Infectious Laryngotracheitis, or Fowl Cholera. That's just a best guess.

I agree.

Most county extensions agents are not familiar with poultry diseases unless there are 4H poultry clubs in the area. Your best bet would be to contact your state veterinarian, vet college or animal health commission and insist on speaking to someone familiar with poultry diseases.

If you haven't already, separate the sick from the others and start some antibiotics immediately in both groups.

They obviously have respiratory problems, so any of the soluable medications in this medication chart used for respiratory should help until you get professional help.​

As stated in other postings the local County Extension Office was not much help with helping to determine what may be wrong with my chickens. But, the Liberty County Coordinator,
Robert E. Bell, lead me in the right direction. He gave me the number to call to contact The Georgia Poultry Lab, http://www.gapoultrylab.org/. The lab sent a Vet, DR. Doug Anderson, out to my house to check out my chickens. He took two of the Rooster with him. He said that the Lab would test the chickens to be sure what they have and that I will find out Saturday or Monday what is killing them. He said he thought from looking at them that they have infectious laryngotracheitis. But to be sure he was going to have them tested. He is going to come back and vaccinate and treat my whole flock once the test are complete. All this is not going to cost me anything. It is a service that is provided in order to control Poultry Diseases in Georgia so that Commerical Flocks do not get infected. In this area of Georgia there are many Commerical Chicken Houses.

From what I read there is not much that can be done for this infection. Antibiotics have no effect against the virus. Vaccination and the short incubation period of the vaccine is used to halt an outbreak.
Nearly all of my adult birds are DEAD!!! I have 9 hens left. All my rooster are Dead. I am thinking about putting the rest of the adults hens down. Then clean out the whole pen and starting over again. The Vet said to spray the whole pen top to bottom with pure bleach to help decon the pen.

DID I EVER LEARN A VERY COSTLY LESSON!!!! NEVER AGAIN will I purchase chickens from another person. I will incubate my own eggs and let them grow up to produce all my eggs.

The person I purchased these chickens from says he never knew they were sick. From what I have read, me transporting them from his pen to my pen, over 100 miles, could have trigger the disease to come out. Transporting them could have placed them under stress and made virus come out. Anyway they are sick and the birds I already had are sick too and dying. The way this is going all my birds will be dead with in a few days.
I was hoping it would not be infectious laryngotracheitis, but the symptoms sure match.

In Texas, it is a reportable disease and if ANYONE in a flock tests positive for it, the whole flock and all eggs will be destroyed. I know several people whose flock contracted ILT. One person picked up a new bird at a show, stopped by a friends' house to show her the bird, then went home. The new bird was infected with ILT. That stop on the way home costs the friend all of her birds too, even though none tested positive. It is that serious.

Keep us posted...
Wow, so sorry to hear this. Something you have to keep in mind with IL is that when you inoculate your or any other birds that may come in contact with your soil, grain bags, tires, pets feet etc, well or stressed, its highly contagious as you very well know.
Where you have poultry houses around the area, its easily transmittable. Glad you did not have to pay for all that, other then emotionally, I had a bird tested and it was well over $100 for basic, not viral tests. None of us can do that. Yet we try to be responsible.

Most large poultry barns have their birds inoculated with the IL virus, and I believe (assume here) that its a live virus. When we read of folks buying "Battery hens", these are from poultry barns and guess what, they could be infected with the very diseases that we do not like.
Often we do not know that are birds have this, it could have also been a wild bird. Cannot blame you for being gun shy when it comes to bringing in new birds, but try not to put any hard feelings out there. (then again, some people knowingly can do this crap too)

Bless your heart, unfortunately this is why we are told "bio-security", yet if you show or share birds...well you know. Hang in there, do what you need and your in my thoughts.
Do not let them vaccinate your birds with anything but the LT-IVAX vaccine made by Schering-Plough. All other ILT vaccines can spread bird to bird.

Currently in WA State there have been two confirmed cases of vaccine caused ILT infections in a backyard flock and a commercial flock. This was caused by people using the other live vaccines.
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I'm glad, at least, that your state is helping you and doing it free of charge. That really is a blessing in a bleak situation.

Again, so sorry about all of your chickens.

Best of luck with getting the situation fully resolved quickly.

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