3 Leghorns supposedly laying but only 2 eggs a day?


In the Brooder
Apr 21, 2015
We are first time backyard chicken farmers, and when we got baby Rhode Island Reds in April, 4 of the 6 turned out to be roosters. We had to get rid of the roosters, and my dad's friend told us he could give us 3 Leghorns that had just started laying (he said they are between 4-5 months old). We have had them since Sunday and have consistently gotten 2 eggs a day. The one Leghorn won't sleep on the roosts at night either. She is always laying on the poop-deck under the roosts and the one morning was sleeping on the coop floor. All 3 of the Leghorns are pretty skittish and are missing feathers from being picked on at their old home. They won't even let me get close to them (I'm not forcing that right now, figured I'd let them get more adjusted). My 2 RIR hens seem to pretty much just ignore the Leghorns, so it's pretty stress free at our place.

My questions, if 3 birds are laying, shouldn't I be getting 3 eggs? Not everyday, but at least at some point?

Is there a way to tell which ones are laying without being out there watching?

Should I be concerned for the one that won't go on the roosts and is sleeping on the poop-deck and the floor?

Any and all advice on this or any other aspect of backyard chickens would be much appreciated. I want everyone to be happy and healthy! :)
You probably are getting eggs from all 3. 4 months is still young and they are ramping up laying. You will get 3 eggs a day soon. Each pullet will have her shape and color egg. It's just a matter of time as you catch them laying. You can paint their vent with food color and the color will transfer to the egg as it's laid. Don't worry about the one that doesn't roost. She's probably a little younger and lowest ranking. Give her plenty of space and she'll move up when she's ready.
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