3 vets no relief conflicting diagnosis fubar

Most of us are not good at reading chicken xrays. The crop is near the marking, but probably below it. The esophagus is the dark linedown the left side of the Xray while the trachea is under the neck cartilage. The circle looks to be over the esophagus. There could be a mass there, but there are also air sacs in the region, and those can have pockets of infection. We just are not vets here for the most part. The ones on BYC that do look in are more the dog and cat variety, and may not know chicken xrays that well. Sorry I can’t be of more help. I know it is frustrating.
Most of us are not good at reading chicken xrays. The crop is near the marking, but probably below it. The esophagus is the dark linedown the left side of the Xray while the trachea is under the neck cartilage. The circle looks to be over the esophagus. There could be a mass there, but there are also air sacs in the region, and those can have pockets of infection. We just are not vets here for the most part. The ones on BYC that do look in are more the dog and cat variety, and may not know chicken xrays that well. Sorry I can’t be of more help. I know it is frustrating.
Yes I'm so frustrated, but i'm glad for every answer and appreciate people trying to help. At least it makes my heart hurt a little less
I am so sorry you are going through this and your rooster isn't feeling well.
It is super hard to get medical help with sick birds. I'm not certain if the BYC family will think I'm total nuts but I consulted with an online vet for a duck and it was a huge help. Maybe worth a try?
I used this service and it provided me with a lot of relief, they sent my request to an avian doctor. I would think you should be able to upload the x ray. https://www.justanswer.com
Hugs to you, hang in there and give him extra cuddles.
I can't link the avian just answer, if you Google "just answer chicken", you should be able to connect with them pretty quickly.
I feel like you have a lot of information and just need to get to the right person. You have done a lot of legwork already.
Here are some ideas.
1. OSU has the Oregon Poultry Extension
https://extension.oregonstate.edu/animals-livestock/poultry-rabbits/poultry-resources-small-farmsThe have a couple of ways to contact them. Call them and explain your predicament and see if they have any suggestions. You are basically looking for a vet that knows about chickens. A poultry extension usually has vets on staff that will give you a phone consultation.
2. You can try calling the Oregon Dept of agriculture animal health laboratory and explain your situation and see if they have any references for private ( non commercial) Oregon vets. Someone has to be sending birds in.
https://www.oregon.gov/ODA/programs/AnimalHealthFeedsLivestockID/AHLab/Pages/Default.aspx3. If you haven’t already, go to the Oregon state forum on BYC and see if anyone has a reference for an avian vet who may do a phone consultation.
4. Then lastly, see my next post.
Attached are screenshots of vets that have a Diplómate or Specialty in Avian Medicine.
Unfortunately there is only one in all of Oregon. She doesn’t have a website which makes me a little suspicious. But she did all of the work for this diplómate so she must know something. I’m wondering if she just specializes in parrots.
The others unfortunately are all near the Seattle area, but that’s probably better than Alaska.
I personally would call the practice in Bothell and the one in Seattle first since they seem to have specific bird practices. I would explain your situation and say you have seen 3 vets but there are no avian vets in OR and you are 5 hours away and you wondered if you could have a phone consultation and whatever info you have you can share. They might say they don’t do phone consultations, but you never know.
If they cannot help you over the phone, then maybe they can refer you to someone who can.
I think I would also try the online resource that was recommended.
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Just because it's very hard for me to give up and maybe it's too much wading thru my post, the questions I have are
Is the arrow pointing at his crop, or is it a mass like one Dr. said?
is the thing I circled normal anatomy?

i used normal and reverse color xrays.
On the very first picture where it is circled - it looks to me like a constriction on the right side. Having said that I'm not a vet.
You could try sending the pictures to your local state veterinarian...they may/may not be able to help you.
Where are you located?

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