3 week chicks - Normal?


In the Brooder
Apr 18, 2024
I'm brand new to chickens. I got 4 different breeds and I'm worried if my 3 week old chicks are each doing ok.
I got them at 3 days old. They have been inside near me and I watch them all the time. They are in a 2.5x4ft dog crate with wood shavings and a brooder plate. They eat medicated starter feed. I feed them damp feed from my hand and they run to me and climb all over my arms. :love

Black sex link (black)- She has stayed smaller then the others and her feathers are growing much more slowly. Is she growing ok for her breed? I got some nutri-drench and add it to their water once a week.
Americana (brown)- She is much bigger then the rest, thick legs, bossy, always wants to be the highest. Could she be a he? :hit
Buff Orpington (yellow)- She loves scratching and pecking and always has a very full stomach unless I take away their food overnight.
NH red (red)- Beautiful feathers, so friendly, but she smells yucky when I pick her up. Not quite like chicken poop, but unpleasant. She doesn't have any coughing or discharge. Why does she smell so bad?

Should I do something for any of them? Are these normal chicken things? Any help is gladly appreciated.


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They sound normal enough. Different breeds grow at different rates and sometimes you may get a bird that's a bit runty. I have a runt right now but she's still eating well and growing (just slower) so it is what it is. Your black chick doesn't look noticeably smaller to my eye.

You won't be able to sex them 'til they're older. I don't see anything about the EE that screams male yet. You'll need to wait another few weeks before folks can take a decent guess for you.

I don't know why the NH smells but maybe she rolled in something unpleasant like cecal poop (or even the Nutri-Drench, which smells awful to me). 🤷‍♀️
I found another post suggesting a bath for the smelly chick so I will give her a wipedown with a washcloth then a blow dry.

Update: she smells much better now, only a faint funk. I'm guessing because I didn't use soap or submerge her. She loved the blowdryer on low with the diffuser.
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