3 Year Old Hen Has Never Laid an Egg


Oct 7, 2020
I’ve searched the internet for over a year and can’t find information on if there are some hens that just never lay eggs.

I have a 3 year old chicken that has never ever laid an egg. Is there anything we can do or is she just completely barren?


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That is frustrating. Clomid makes good money on human females that can't release a egg on their own for various reasons. I would expect that some hens are the same. Maybe hormones, malformation of reproductive organs, odd genetics. Who knows. If she dies, might be worth opening her up to see if there was an obvious issue.
I had a hen who never laid an egg either. She would go into the nest like everyone else but never left an egg. Never figured out the problem. She died around 4 years of age. Never thought of a necropsy, but probably should have.
I’ve searched the internet for over a year and can’t find information on if there are some hens that just never lay eggs.

I have a 3 year old chicken that has never ever laid an egg. Is there anything we can do or is she just completely barren?
How many birds do you have? What breeds? What color eggs do you get?
Could she be a shabby layer that hides her eggs in the bushes?
I have a 2 year old Silkie that has never laid and looks like she won't since she has a dry tight vent. I guess she's not the only one that has this problem. She seems healthy and is quite normal except not laying. Something neurological maybe or just not born with the bits needed to produce an egg. :confused:
Yes, it can happen.

Across our many pullets and hens now and in the past, I am not aware that any have never laid. We did have a breed that took a very long time to start, and one of them had never laid by the time we sold them at 45 weeks old, surprising since they were a mid Feb hatch. We have also had a hen that sporadically laid her first year, then stopped completely...no more eggs from her for over a year, then got a few eggs before she was sold.
That is frustrating. Clomid makes good money on human females that can't release a egg on their own for various reasons. I would expect that some hens are the same. Maybe hormones, malformation of reproductive organs, odd genetics. Who knows. If she dies, might be worth opening her up to see if there was an obvious issue.

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