36x12 breeding house/laying house

I would tell you but I honestly have no clue. I would have to add it all up.
Awesome! You got it going on! That's what I'm going to have to do if I keep fooling with chickens.
The silos behind the coop are filled with starter, grower, layer and scratch, right? ;)
I have not updated this in a long time but we are almost completely finished with the building. All we have left to do is run the electricity. I also got the chicks on Wednesday. Here is what we have done.

This is a feed bin I built

This a a wall feeder I made

Building the runs

This is a grow out pen

Breeding pen runs

That is a big coop.

That appears to be a feed mill behind your coop. I guess you won't have to go far to buy chicken feed. :)
We plan on making our own feed out of the crops we harvest so that will cut the expenses down a lot hopefully!
I like your chicken house a lot too.
We plan on expanding next year too and I already try to get some insperation and Ideas.
What size you build your breeding cages?
Yes it is already easier on me than having to walk into three separate coops everyday to feed, water and collect the eggs. And it will be even better now since the coop is big enough so i can get a bobcat in there to clean it out.

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