3rd Annual Northeastern "Sharkie" Chickenstock - NH - July 7, 2012!!! Come one...come all!!

Lav roo for Buckabucka - roo is on the right - it's over 100 degrees here today, so this is not the best shot

Thanks, Jerseygirl! He looks very sweet.
It's a good thing I have air conditioning for this trip, or the birds wouldn't make it!

It is going to be cooler on Saturday with slight cloud cover and a nice breeze..no rain. I already put in my weather order....:p
Feeders please!
Want me to paypal to you?
Feeders it is then

Paypal not required, by the sounds of it I have plenty of interest to sell all of the ones I can bring.
We have 1 pair that we hatched from Rockinpaints. They were hatched new years day and the pullet is at point of lay. The pullet didn't express the barring (she looks like a buff orp) but the roo is barred. We only bought 4 eggs to hatch with the Golden Cuckoo Maran eggs we bought.
You're selling them only as a pair? I'm not breeding so I don't need a roo. Seems I might need to start breeding just to be able to get these different birds I want! Shhhh...don't tell hubby I said that! How much for the pair? Would you be willing to sell only her? If so, how much for her?
So in anticipation of chickenstock, my kids have been trying to come up with things they can make to sell. So they (with a little help from Daddy) made some bird houses out of barn wood (from a barn recently taken down here in Pembroke) and some old license plates. They are not completely done, they still need to add the little perch for the birds to sit on. I know that these have nothing to do with chickens, but I sure hope some folks will be interested in these as they worked so hard on them. Daddy used the power saw, but he had them do about 90% of all the rest of the work.

YES! I am interested in lemon cuckoos and will go to chickenstock just to get 1 of these!!!!! Please let me know how much & hen or roo.
Was wondering if anybody is interested in some bucket feeders/ nesting boxes. I use the feeders in just about everyone of our pens and alot of the nesting boxes also. I have acouple extra buckets laying around so I can make them up and bring them with us if there is interest. Asking $4 a piece.
These look awesome! I'd love to buy a couple to try!
Wow...were going to have some fun with all the newbies!!!! Mauauauauauaua :D
April it looks like my nesting boxes arent going to happen so im donating my eco glow 20 brooder heater...never used...put together to use and forgot I stinking had it!!! Lol So that is my contribution...unless Mark can gets a free moment to do the nesting boxes hes been working 90+ hrs a week to finish building his last house on time so we can come...We have a ton riding on time limits!! Lol
Ps folks...I know April ;)

Are you donating the Eco- glow for a raffle item? I would love to get another!

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