4-5 hens + rooster?


In the Brooder
8 Years
Feb 14, 2011
I've always kept larger flocks, but this spring I'd like to only have 4-5 barred rock hens. I've heard you have to keep at least 10 hens to have a rooster or he would bother them too much. I'd really like a rooster, but I want my hens to look nice without alot of missing feathers. I'm going to enjoy this little flock more as pets than I have past flocks (which were primarily for selling eggs).
Especially given that most roosters have a couple favorites they really wear out. At least two or three are usually really tattered from all his attention.

I did have this trio of Speckled Sussex and the rooster never did that, even with just two hens. But our old Barred Rock rooster wore out his ladies. It is hard to say as each rooster is a bit different.


Beautiful birds. If I accidently end up with a rooster when I buy my pullets I'll just see how it goes with him. Probably just end up selling him. I do miss hearing a rooster crow though. Thanx for the answers.

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