5-6 mth old cockerel broke a portion of his upper beak


6 Years
Apr 14, 2013
New Hampshire
I have no idea how it could have happened, from a little lower than the middle of his upper beak to the tip is broken. It's more like the outside of the beak is gone, not that it's completely missing. There's hard, fleshy-looking stuff there. What can I clean that up with? The way he pecks around, is it even worth trying to keep clean? 'Cuz I don't see how it can stay that way once I put him back in with others after cleaning it.

How long can I expect it to take to grow back to normal?

I'm pretty sure he's eating/drinking okay, I only noticed it right at coop lock up time and will better observe that tomorrow. He seems okay otherwise, it wasn't bleeding when I saw it. I was out all day, but I didn't notice any blood in the shavings or around in their run.
Thanks. I cleaned up the area w/diluted betadine, started him on Tylan, just to play it safe, and also gave him some aspirin for the pain and so he's more comfortable eating. He's eating, but quite tenderly. I brought him in the house to help keep it clean and so he can eat at his leisure without the adult hens giving him a hard time if he's at the bowls outside.

I've been searching for an answer as to how long about it'd take to grow back and am having no luck.

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