5 day old chicks


In the Brooder
6 Years
Mar 14, 2013
I had a broody hen hatch out 3 chicks in our garage. We were able to keep her safe till she hatched them then she started to take them out to roam. We have to many predators so I brought her in the house and put her and the chicks in my brooder for 5 days,
today I took her out to go back with the flock she has done nothing but squawk all day in one place. Did I remover her to soon the chicks are find with out her eating and drinking. I do not at this time have a tractor coop to keep them in together so they can free range and then go in coop at night all are in use. Will she get over this or do I need to try and get her back in the house.
Thank you
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Bless her heart, she's calling for her chicks. Give her a few days and she'll settle down.
ok I hope so I feel so bad for her all day in one spot calling out she is going horse and sounds so sad.

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