5 hens turning 2 years old in SF East Bay (Concord, CA) - locals only please


5 Years
May 20, 2014
We need to locally re-home five hens that will be turning 2 years old on May 23. They are well-loved pets, but we have two main problems that prevent us from continuing to keep them: noise and expense. We find ourselves outside many, many times each day trying to quiet certain chickens down for the neighbors. The expense is quite huge because our free-range chickens do not have any natural forage in our yard. They are fed organic feed, mealworms, organic greens, fruit, scratch, and greek yogurt.

We feel they would do well on a farm or on a very large property.

The ideal home would include safe free-ranging, very little confinement, the ability for them to be loud, secure yard with no way to climb out, lots of grass and forage, dust bath areas, and experienced caregivers. They love when people are busy working in the yard. They are good hunters. They will eat right out of your hand.

We are willing to wait for the right situation.

Girls in pecking order (pictures taken this week):

Lily: Black Australorp (larger comb). TOP HEN. Louder than average. Will alarm easily. Does not tolerate confinement. Will come when called. First year of laying = 251 eggs. Current average = 4 eggs per week.

Princess: Buff Orpington. Does not consider herself part of the pecking order. NICE. Most chicken-like. Noise level normal. OK to hold. Ate a mouse once. First year of laying = 236 eggs. Current average = 5 eggs per week.

Deedee: Black Australorp (small comb) Easy to hold. SOFT. Sometimes noisy and will start low and build to very loud if not tended to. First year of laying = 239 eggs. Current average = 5 eggs per week.

Miss America: Americana (as labeled by Concord Feed) Lays green eggs. SWEET and friendly. Most pet-like. Does not like to be held but will jump up and sit next to you if you sit down. Will talk to you in a quiet voice. One wing is clipped due to flying ability. First year of laying = 255 eggs. Current average = 6 eggs per week.

Rose: Light Brahma. The underdog of the group. HUGE. Incredibly loud with a deep voice. Sensitive to surroundings and will alarm easily. Attempted to re-home her when she was 9 months old, but she climbed out of the person’s yard and tried to find her way home from 30 miles away. Sweet once you understand her. First year of laying = 202 eggs. Current average = 6 eggs per week.

We live in Concord, CA (near North Concord BART) in Contra Costa County. You would need to pick them up.
The girls found a new home! A BYC family on farmland in Oakley has taken them in and will provide them with everything we could not.

Here's a cute picture of them from April 2013 when they were 10 months old:


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