5 killed ducks and 2 severly hurt ducks


11 Years
Oct 13, 2010
i had many of my ducks get killed tonight but two of my pekins are still just berly hanging on to life they have deep wounds on the backs any ideas on how to treat them i have them under a heat lamp and i put some triple antibiotic ointment on them for tonight they are really stressed so im going to leave them alone but keep an eye on them till in the moring if they make it the only thing i beleive could have done this is a dog but all my dogs are put up exept one of my calahuas or how ever u spell it and she was on my front porch when i heard the ducks and went out to check them idk but wat everit was took out 5 of my ducks and posibly 7 if the two pekins die
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so sorry[b
How terrible, I'm so sorry for your loss. Was this done during the day or at night? Did an animal get into your pen, coop, ect? Can you describe the wounds so that maybe we can help identify the culprit. Again, so sorry you had to experience this. Went thru it myself 2 years ago with my yellow lab. She took out about 25 chickens one night in the middle of winter. Looked like a horror movie on the snow banks.

so very sorry for your loss. They're such little troopers. It always breaks my heart when we can't fix them
AAwwwww, sorry to hear about your little quackers. I hope you can secure them from any further attacks, as a predator will often return, if it was not one of your dogs.

So sad about them for you.

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