5 month old rooster with 7 week old chicks?


May 28, 2022
Malvern, Arkansas
Our hens hatched chicks which resulted in too many roosters. I'm looking for homes for several, and have someone interested in taking one, but her flock is all so young. She says she has sex linked chicks that are almost 7 weeks old. My roosters are 5 months old, and are already mating with our hens. Is there a danger to the young chicks if they introduce one of our roosters? So far, none of the roosters are aggressive to us, but they are a little enthusiastic with their mating. Our hens aren't happy about it. I definitely don't want to give someone a rooster only to have her chicks be harmed. Other than our original purchase of chickens, all of our additions have been from broodies hatching, so we haven't had to do the intro work. Advice please.

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