5 week muscovy sex??


7 Years
Mar 19, 2012



These little guys/gals will be five weeks tomorrow. Any guesses from these pics as to what they are? The largest of the bunch has flight feathers starting so I assume girl, but the rest have me stumped. Anyone want to make a guess??? :)
I'm fairly new at this, and could totally be wrong--but based on beak size, I'd say the one in the foreground on the third picture is a drake. Maybe the next one back too? I could tell a lot better on mine at about 7 weeks.
It's funny you say that, because that is the one that has the most wing feather development so I assumed girl:(
If their all the same age.. the bigger ones are usually drakes.. big chest, big feet.. and they are larger overall...

Top is the duck, the rest of these are all drakes.. same clutch... age is pretty young, exact cannot recall that bunch is now over a year old lol


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