55 Swedish Flowering Hens


6 Years
May 20, 2013
Splendora Texas
I have several 55 Flowering Hens. They are auto sexing birds. The cockerel have a white tuff on their heads. The cockerels grow to be solid white while the pullets range in patterned colors from light brown to silver. They are about the size of Leghorns and lay beautiful large white eggs. They are proving to be great layers 2 of every 3 days. They are smart tricky birds. I haven’t had good success Hatching yet but I have several dozen in my large incubator. I live North of Houston. If you are raising these and would like to correspond just email me at [email protected]. I do believe these are different from the Swedish Flower Hens being discussed on another thread.
Here are pictures from the web-- 1st is 55 flowery hens and rooster. 2nd is Swedish flower hen and rooster. Very different.
What's are the differences between Swedish Flower Hens and 55 Flowery Hens?
55s are an intentionally created autosexing breed. They were made by crossing several different varieties of Leghorns. They are pretty similar to Leghorns- white earlobes, light bodies, white eggs, mostly non-sitters.

SFHs are a land race created over time through natural selection, so they vary a lot in color, size, etc. They are bigger, lay brown or tinted eggs, good setters, and probably better meat birds. They can have crests, too.

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