55 Swedish Flowering Hens

I'd look around before going straight to GFFs if you care about money. They've been out long enough now that you might find someone raising them and selling them a lot cheaper.
I've got some and they don't lay as well as advertised. Mine lay decent size eggs but not as large as some of my other leghorns and they don't lay as much. I still haven't gotten any eggs from them since this winter broke. Every other varieties I have at least have laid a few.
I do like them though.
Thanks for the input as the point is to have eggs. I'm not sure about winter in Missouri, but ours can be brutal particularly if we get the artic vortex. I haven't found anyone in driving distance selling hens yet, but I'll keep looking.
55s are an intentionally created autosexing breed. They were made by crossing several different varieties of Leghorns. They are pretty similar to Leghorns- white earlobes, light bodies, white eggs, mostly non-sitters.

SFHs are a land race created over time through natural selection, so they vary a lot in color, size, etc. They are bigger, lay brown or tinted eggs, good setters, and probably better meat birds. They can have crests, too.
I have 2 Swedish flower hens that are crested. Then I have 2 without the crested head (younger than the crested hens ). but so much larger than the older hens! And the size of their feet , large!
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