5day chick labored breathing- Tylan dose?

So... still not sure what I'm dealing with, but I do know that nobody has loose stools. Chick still has labored breathing, is weaker and "runtier" than the rest, and sneezes regularly (cute, high pitched explosion). Still no nasal/occular discharge or swollen anything. Needs encouragement to eat sometimes, and I've tube fed twice... usually in the am, when I notice everyone else has full crops except this one, and it's looking weak. It perks up after that and goes on through the day, eating and drinking. I gave one oral dose of Tylan 50, skipped a day because I wasn't sure what to do, and gave 1 SQ dose today, because still sneezing and weaker. Also gave B12 and Nutridrench, just because. Everyone else is still fine and normal. Just going to keep on trucking and give one more SQ dose tomorrow I guess... then see how things turn out. Total stab in the dark but he/she's hanging in there!

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