6 Aussie puppys doing good, Bandit is now forsale!!

Oh and the eye, the vet told me to do that to see if there was an eye. I didn't pry in open or anything, all I did was pull the skin on her head back a lil tight. It was well past the time the eyes should be open.
Like I said before, This was accidental. The female staid in the house durring her heat, if we put her out to go to the bathroom, we put the male in, when she came back in he went out, so on and so forth. We thought she had went out actually and was letting the male back in but he slept out in the house and she slept locked up in my bedroom. She slipped out one night when I got up to go to the bathroom, and when I came out they we're locked together. I'm a firm believer of everything happens for a reason so I'm not kicking myself over this, Also theirs a few poeple here just on BYC that would be disapointed in not getting a chance to have these puppies in their lives.

I understand where your coming from thinking how irresponsible a dog owner I am, since you dont know all the facts or see how spoiled and well taken care of. Thanks for your concern.

By reading this thread it is obvious that you are a caring, concerned, and responsible dog owner. Sometimes even when we are being super diligent accidents can happen. How someone could read this thread and not see that is beyond me. You yourself were devastated over it and for someone to come in this late in the game to criticize you is just ridiculous. And DANG they are getting so cute. Consider me one of the disappointed people that wont get one of those beauties from someone who really has her heart in it.

And may I add that she is responsibly placing all the puppies in homes and not just sending them to a rescue.
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Like I said before, This was accidental. The female staid in the house durring her heat, if we put her out to go to the bathroom, we put the male in, when she came back in he went out, so on and so forth. We thought she had went out actually and was letting the male back in but he slept out in the house and she slept locked up in my bedroom. She slipped out one night when I got up to go to the bathroom, and when I came out they we're locked together. I'm a firm believer of everything happens for a reason so I'm not kicking myself over this, Also theirs a few poeple here just on BYC that would be disapointed in not getting a chance to have these puppies in their lives.

I understand where your coming from thinking how irresponsible a dog owner I am, since you dont know all the facts or see how spoiled and well taken care of. Thanks for your concern.

By reading this thread it is obvious that you are a caring, concerned, and responsible dog owner. Sometimes even when we are being super diligent accidents can happen. How someone could read this thread and not see that is beyond me. You yourself were devastated over it and for someone to come in this late in the game to criticize you is just ridiculous. And DANG they are getting so cute. Consider me one of the disappointed people that wont get one of those beauties from someone who really has her heart in it.

THanks!! The dogs are like my kids. Well taken care of and spoiled rotten..an honestly in my opinion. The female double merle is the best one of the bunch, the family that gets her is going to be blessed! I'm so glad now that this accident happened.

Thank you so much for all the updates and pics I have to commend you on how you've dealt with all the "Debby Downer" posts on the various threads concerning these beautiful pups. You've been so diplomatic and gracious even when downright insulted. It's been quite a learning experience for me , i'd heard about the double merle's but following this litter has
been eye opening to me. Thank you again. I sure wish I was closer... I'd take Henry or Raven in a heartbeat and train them to be a therapy dog.

Thanks so much! I hoped this would be a learning experience and I could educate people a lil on the doubles. Something good always comes out of something bad. You wouldn't believe the people that did not know you was not supposed to breed two merle dogs. Hopefully this mistake has kept a few more mistakes from happening in the future. As for the 2 Doubles I see a bright future for both, with loving familys. The lil female is getting picked up tomorrow to go to a farm in Upper Virginia to someone on here at BYC.. Thanks to everyone that has been a support and helped me in making my decisions, I feel like I made the best out of the situation and I have NO REGRETS on not aborting the litter or not having the 2 doubles put to sleep. THanks again, I hope to keep this thread alive and updated with the puppies through out their lives with their new families. All But 2 are goin to families here on BYC.
Ok the new pictures are great. I am glad to see that Raven has the other eye. I was worried about protecting the socket from infection. Tomorrow is the big day!



I had no idea about the merle's and breeding. The deaf Aussie we had was mostly white with two white ears and two blue starburst eyes. She never did go blind. But from what you said about breeding merle's I have no doubt that is what caused her disabilities. From what I remember as a kid it was never mentioned to my mother either so I doubt the breeder knew. Thanks for sharing the information and those sweet puppies.
Well today is the "Big Day" for The lil Double Merle Female that I have been calling Raven, She'll be getting picked up at about 2:30 today from griffin45 here on BYC. I'm so excited, but I'm goin to miss her she is all of our favorite. She has the best personality of them all. I feel like she's goin to be goin to a great home and will be loved dearly! I'm sure they will also keep us updated with her progress. She'll also have many friends and a older brother to play with.
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awww how lucky she going to a great home !!

this is the part about having puppies i hate - the time to let them go - I always get so upset when they leave

wow your crew sure has gotten big and they all look great !!

our boxer pups are just turning 5 weeks tomorrow and they are a handful LOL
They are very cute! Accidents happen and you are a responsible person. I also consult with my vet and I do some procedures myself upon advice from my vet, I have had animals for most of my life and have seen about everything. I have even stitched a horse or two when needed and vet couldn't get there.
I think I am having accident puppies, my Jack Russell female showed NO signs of being in heat, nothing at all, all of a sudden one night my male was breeding her.
Luckily she only has one or two at a time.

Good Luck with your pups, they are all so cute.

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