6+ Bantam White Ameraucana Eggs **Updated with Pictures/Info**


11 Years
Mar 7, 2008
This is a SEMI-PRESALE...of sorts. The girls have just now started to lay, but we're only getting one or two eggs a day out of them. This has been going on for a few weeks, and we have put the eggs in the incubator to see how they do for us. Once we know for sure fertility is fine and have more than an egg a day being laid, they will be sent out.

So to be on the safe side this is a presale for February, with the possibility of getting these beautiful eggs to you a little sooner than that.

This is a pure flock of Bantam White Ameraucanas - genuine Ameraucanas, not bantam Easter Eggers - not white-colored Easter Eggers that "might" breed true. These are honest-to-goodness Bantam White Ameraucanas that breed true and only lay a blue-green colored egg: and they look fantastic.

You will be getting at least six eggs, plus any extras that the girls feel like sending along. Since the eggs are so small and light, shipping is only $10 to anywhere in the US (sans Alaska and Hawaii - we can ship them there, but the price may be a skosh higher - just ask).

Once the weather warms up, odds are we will be hatching as many of these little chicks as possible. Mostly because they don't take up any space, are incredibly adorable, and we plan on expanding the flock and doing showing late this year and next while working on improving the type (we've got the color down pretty accurately

If you are interested in reserving your eggs then send a PM for the PayPal or snail mail information and to work out a vague date that works best for you.

**Updated With Pictures**

Forgive the picture quality - these were mostly taken with a cell phone. I'll try to get some updated pictures once our week of sub-zero temperatures abates.



**Updated Information**

The White line we have comes directly from Jerry Segler.
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Yes I am interested as well. Please post more photos! also what is their temperament like? I have Lavender bantams and they are really obsessive with me and follow me around and jump on my head. Anything like that? are they calm? flighty? I know color can affect their attitudes, genetically.
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I should have more pictures up tomorrow. This flock belongs to another member of the household who had me list them, so I need to retrieve the pictures from her computer and pick her brain on the flock (silly of me, too - I should have thought to ask

What I can tell you is that they are ridiculously friendly - very much like how you are describing the Lavenders. The main rooster - RooRoo - will follow you around and perch on your shoulder. He is a sweetheart to his ladies and has been a gentleman to the four month old birds that were added to the flock last month (the cockrels and the pullets). The second-in-command rooster, Omega, roams the barn where we have the Bantam White pen and struts his stuff for anyone willing to watch. The hens will hop over and get in the way while you're trying to feed, water, or gather eggs - no one attempts to run off; they genuinely want to simply be around you and see what you're doing. No one has become broody, but this is a young flock.
Chickens can be shipped. If it is found that someone is overseas birds can still be shipped out, but it's an utter pain. It is up to the buyer to decide whether they are interested in selling birds or eggs to someone.

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