(6)Pickled egg recipes


One Handy Chick
15 Years
Jan 7, 2009
Has anyone tried the first recipe? I think the common thing in all these recipes are they all have dry mustard. I am over run with white silkie eggs. I bet they would make good pickled eggs because of their small size. I have to do something. If you have another recipe please add it.


12 hard-cooked eggs, shelled
1 medium onion, sliced thin
3 /4 cup water
1 cup sugar
1 1/ 4 cup vinegar
2 teaspoons salt
1 teaspoon dill weed
1 /4 teaspoon garlic powder or 1 clove garlic, halved
1 /2 teaspoon mustard seed

Pack eggs and onion in 1-quart or larger jar. Bring other ingredients
to a boil. Then simmer 5-7 minutes. Pour over eggs. Chill 3 days before
serving. Eggs will be yellow.
Dill Pickled Eggs

Ingredients (6 servings)
3 Dozen Hard Boiled Eggs (hopefully peeled)
2 lg Bunches Fresh Dill, roughly chopped
2 lg Jars, Generic Dill Spears (or slices)
2 lg Yellow Onions, sliced into rings
1 lg Green Pepper, sliced into rings
2 lg Sweet Red Peppers, sliced into rings
1 qt Cider Vinegar
1 qt Bottled Water (Purified or Spring Water)
1 sm Handful Whole Cloves

Drain pickle juice into large pan. Add cider, water, cloves and dill.
Bring liquid mixture to full boil; then reduce heat to simmer for
45 minutes to one hour (make sure you can open the windows, it's rather
fragrant)Place eggs, vegetable slices and pickle spears into large glass
or hard plastic container (large ice cream pail works well).
Strain liquid mixture through a pasta collander and pour liquid over
eggs and vegetables.
Let sit for 24-36 hours at ))room temperature((
The eggs will be a very, very bright yellow and have a wonderful dill
flavor the whole way through. The vegetables and pickles will have a
dill flavor never before experienced -- and can be eaten separately or
used as a complimentary garnish.

Ingredients :
2 c. white vinegar
2 tbsp. mild mustard
1/2 c. water
1 c. sugar
1 tbsp. salt
1 tbsp. celery seed
1 tbsp. mustard seed
6 whole cloves
12 eggs, hard-boiled and shelled
2 onions

Preparation :
Slowly blend white vinegar and mustard. Add water, sugar, salt,
celery seed, mustard seed and cloves. Simmer 10 minutes. Cool.
Pour over eggs and onions. Cover and refrigerate overnight.

Ingredients :
2 c. vinegar
2 tbsp. salad mustard
1 c. sugar
1/2 c. water
1/2 tbsp. salt
1 tbsp. celery seed
1 tbsp. mustard seed
6 whole cloves

Preparation :
Boil 12 eggs and peel. Combine: Boil and peel the eggs and set
aside. Put other ingredients in small kettle. Simmer 10 minutes.
Cool. Add eggs and 2 sliced onions. Cover and refrigerate.

Ingredients :
2 tbsp. mustard
2 c. vinegar
1/2 c. water
1 c. sugar
1 tbsp. salt
1 tbsp. celery seed
1 tbsp. mustard seed

Preparation :
Add 6 whole cloves. Bring to a boil and simmer 10 minutes.
Cool and pour over 12 hard boiled eggs (that have been peeled).

Ingredients :
2 tbsp. mustard
2 c. vinegar
1/2 c. water
1 c. sugar
1 tbsp. salt
1 tbsp. celery seed
1 tbsp. mustard seed
6 whole cloves
2 onions, sliced
12 hard-cooked eggs

Preparation :
Blend mustard with vinegar, water, sugar, salt, celery seed,
mustard seed and cloves. Heat to boiling, cover; simmer 10 minutes.
Cool. Pour over onions and eggs. Cover. Refrigerate at least 12
hours before serving. Will keep 3 weeks stored in refrigerator.
Wow, thats a great selection of recipes! Thanks!
My kids just wait until we are done with a jar of homade pickles & then fill it up with eggs, they reuse the juice several times. They also like them in the juice left from the pickled jalepenos.
im willing to try this but i have never eating a pickled egg befor..i know my cuz and his family love them so i will be making it for them..who knows i might try one and like it..

my question witch of the 6 recipes whould be just normal pickled eggs..
and how do you fit 12 eggs in a 1-quart jar? do they fit with large eggs??
I've heard that folks pickle quail eggs.... I have a frig full and need to do something with them, but have no idea how long to boil a quail egg.. or how easily one could peel one. sounds like quite a chore. Anyone have any experience with this. No doubt these recipes would work fine with quail eggs too??
Could you use these recipes for regular eggs or bantam eggs? I don't have quail but my hubby tried some pickled quail eggs and liked them. I do however have a bunch of bantam eggs.
Any recipe works well with quail eggs. And they are a chore, I wont lie. But everyone loves them especially the little one's so it is worth it. I just boil mine for about 5 minutes.
I even made deviled quail eggs for Christmas.

I dont really eat them either, but I do enjoy them on a salad.
I make pickled beets, and I always put hard boiled eggs in with them. Leave them sit for several days and the eggs turn the prettiest pink, right through to the yolks, and boy are they tasty! (The pickled beets are yummy, too)

Anyone want that recipe? I'll post it if so, don't have it in front of me right now!

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