6th Annual BYC New Year's Day 2015 Hatch-A-Long

Finally got around to uploading this today...only took 6 friggin hours -_-
@Canadianislupus neat video! What kind of hatch rates do you get using that method with the little egg cups? I was thinking of doing something like that for my shipped eggs. What do the chicks do once they get more mobile? Do you think it takes them longer to hatch that way?
@Canadianislupus neat video! What kind of hatch rates do you get using that method with the little egg cups? I was thinking of doing something like that for my shipped eggs. What do the chicks do once they get more mobile? Do you think it takes them longer to hatch that way?

This was my first hatch and 24 out of 29 hatched. I think it helps them zip easier as the egg provides more resistance to their movements, but they do seem to have a bit of a difficult time actually getting out of the shell sometimes once they finish zipping. It also has the bonus of preventing the ones that are drying off from moving the other eggs around too much. One downside is it can be a little harder to see malpositioned pips though.
oh my somemore eggs found themselves developing in my incubator :)

so My new years babys are getting soo big they are almost regular chickens! they seemed to double in size just in last couple days...they are all super friendly infact I have to becareful cuz they try to mob me when they see me..........jump on my shoulder ect...

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