7 mo Chantecleur, broody?


9 Years
Apr 19, 2010
Hi there, forgive me for being tired but I have to ask while the details are fresh. I have a 7 mo Chantecleur layer who stayed in the nest all day long. She looked like she was laboring tonight (she was sleeping, actually) so I had to check her underside before bed, nothing was unusual there so I took her out, put her on the roost and collected the eggs. Shortly she was walking down the ladder in search of food!! She didn't fuss when I collected eggs and looks totally normal. I am wondering if she is displaying broody behavior?? I will watch her tomorrow but I have two others that look just like her (hatchery birds). The eggs were clean, no abnormalities on the five eggs or her underside and she's walking normally. She cooed and that was about all I got from her entire relocation...I've never had a broody hen so I don't know if she is or not.

As for roos, I have a new guy who is just figuring his business out; he's chasing and attacking necks but that's all he knows how to do so far. He's 5 months old and just began this new behavior so that seems to be the only other non-normal occurrence in the coop.

Many thanks for your time or feedback!!
Sounds like she may be thinking about it. When she quits laying eggs and sits on the nest through the night, she's broody. I usually wait until they are on the nest for 2 nights before giving any eggs to hatch.

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