7weeks baby chicks

They would need a lot of grit to process those kernels. If you haven't been giving them grit, that dried corn could kill them.

What are you feeding your chicks for their main diet?

What is that? Popping corn?
I've never given our chickens whole kernel corn, we do throw scratch, which has cracked corn in it, into the run sometimes. I think the whole kernels would be hard to digest especially for young chickens.

I am feeding this type of broken rice.
I also add some pigeon feed.(that includes wheat,cracked corn,oats and some more things)
Dry rice isn't actually good for them. I highly recommend chick feed and if you supplement you can choose nutritious options, those could even be safe (non toxic for chickens) weeds!
I'm no expert, but I have to agree with the others. White dry rice has almost no nutritional value beyond carbohydrates. I also doubt that the pigeon food has enough protein for healthy development.
Is it not possible to purchase commercial chick starter where you live? Are you letting your chicks spend all day outdoors to scratch for insects? Do they have green plants to eat where you have them during the day? Could you at least get a hold of sunflower seeds and whole grains that you could grind up?

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