8-weeks old chicks - hens or roos?

Hen or Roo

  • Hen

    Votes: 1 100.0%
  • Roo

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


In the Brooder
5 Years
Jun 3, 2014
San Marcos, CA
Hi there,

Now that our babies are 8-weeks old today (hatched May 19th), we are still trying to confirm they are girls or .... We won't be able to keep any roosters, and everyday we love these chicks more and more...

2 Rhode Island Reds - Red, and Robin
1 Buff Orpington - Sunny
1 Black Australorp - Heaven

Pictures 1 & 2 has Robin, Sunny and Heaven in them. Picture 3 is Red - which is the one we feel more likely to be a roo as she seems to be more aggressive and brave.

They brought so much fun and joy to our lives and we hope they are all hens and we will have many great years with them.
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Your two Rhode Island Reds appear to actually be Production Reds (as Basskids08 pointed out). Rhode Island Reds are a darker red and have considerable more black feathers in their tails. I think all four of your birds are pullets.
The first two pictures have the same three birds, and the last one is a different one. Do you think the last one might be a roo? We kind of suspected that all alone, "she" is just quite different from the other ones in many ways...

I'm seeing all pullets

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