9.5 week old chicks - Confirm sexes? Pic Heavy!!

boy, boy, girl
very pretty! Love the ancona
I am gonna go against the crowd and say I think your ancona is a girl. The roo would have a much bigger and redder comb by now.

My Ancona pullet acts like a roo and does the chest thing, but she lays an egg.

I would wait and see on it.
That's why I'm so unsure about it! My adult Ancona is as bossy as it comes, so behaviour of chick doent worry me too much! I guess I wait for a crow or egg???
i am for sure the barred one is going to be a hen. the rir looks like a boy. and the middle has me going back and forth but feathers dont look pointy. repost in about 2 weeks with new pics

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