A Bear…

Is there fencing you can plug in? I have an outlet nearby and that way I don’t have to buy batteries all the time (that would make the plan more amendable to my family).
Yes, there are plug-in fence energizers (aka chargers or fencers). Then the energizers are attached to the electric fence and the grounding rod with wires (usually with alligator clips). You must make sure you buy the correct type of energizer for your fence though. I believe only low-impedance fence energizers can be used with electric netting.
Everyone’s alive and well this morning but me - I think I have the flu. So we’ll just hope the bear finds something else to eat and maybe one of these days I’ll manage to get some electric fencing around there. Thanks y’all for your help!
Oh no! Hope you feel better soon!
I live in an area where we have a neighborhood bears, and many others in a 5 mile vicinity. My experience: the bears are looking for easy meals, which usually is trash, bird feeders, etc (like others have mentioned). This being said, I also know people who have lost their flock to bears, or have sustained damage to their coops and runs from bears who are just looking to fatten up. I would definetely invest in fortifying your coop/ bear proofing. They are tenacious and persistent creatures when they know food is around.

Personally, our neighborhood bear aims for garbage cans. Mine is about 20 feet from my coop and run and so far I have not had issue (not to say the bear will never try to get to my flock).
Ponds draw all kinds of wildlife and are well known for drawing predators.
I had a small pond and removed it
Yup, water in general attracts wildlife. And I didn't really think about it until we already had our chicken run in place... pretty as it is, we're going to avoid parcels with creeks/ponds in the future. We call the creek the wildlife highway - otters, raccoons, bobcats, beavers, fish of course, the bear - thankfully they're usually just using it as a pass through and keep right on going, though raccoons are the ones we really keep an eye out for, as they sometimes stop to sniff around a bit.

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