A Bielefelder Thread !

I saw that last night. I was going to bid on it but I figured the boss would have kicked me to the doghouse for getting more chicks.. Congratulations on the win.
How are Bielies heat tolerance? I live in AZ and it get pretty dang hot. I really like this bread and would love to have them but only if they can handle it.
How are Bielies heat tolerance? I live in AZ and it get pretty dang hot. I really like this bread and would love to have them but only if they can handle it.

I do not think they are good for hot weather. So far mine are doing okay. They are only 2 months old. I live in southeast texas. It is normally in the high 90's, on a good day its in the 80's, on a bad day it can be over 100. They like to spend lots of time foraging, then when they start panting and/or having watery poops, they go into the shade and relax. I have lots of very well shaded areas with water, and even then it takes them a while to cool off. I started putting ice cubes in the water when i refill it. I think they were bred for cold weather, even with all the shaded area i have, i think the heat is hard on them.
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How are Bielies heat tolerance? I live in AZ and it get pretty dang hot. I really like this bread and would love to have them but only if they can handle it.
I have 7 hens and 2 roosters that are 1.5 years old, and doing great in our 95-100 days. I am in Colorado, and don't have humidity, which could make a difference. As long as they have shade and water, I haven't noticed them having any problems.
How are Bielies heat tolerance? I live in AZ and it get pretty dang hot. I really like this bread and would love to have them but only if they can handle it.
Live in Mid Michigan and our big rooster is panting already and haven't broken 89 yet. I would say make sure you have a shallow cool pool for them to dip their feet/waddles in when it gets hot. Our younger pullets are doing fine, but the boys seem to stay in the shade as often as possible.
Heat is a true concern if chickens are mainly pen raised. I've noticed egg production drop and fertility levels drop in the past 2 weeks. Hoping the rains and 80 temps will bring everything back up. If you notice your chickens pant like a dog they are to hot.
Anyone have picky eater Biel's?
I usually feed countryside organics products but I have some Dumor's grower/finisher as well. When I run out and have to give them Dumor's temporarily, they won't even touch it. They stare at it and then just sit there like they are on a hunger strike. I tried offering in the same and different containers that the other feed is given.
Anyone have picky eater Biel's?
I usually feed countryside organics products but I have some Dumor's grower/finisher as well. When I run out and have to give them Dumor's temporarily, they won't even touch it. They stare at it and then just sit there like they are on a hunger strike. I tried offering in the same and different containers that the other feed is given.

Ours love the Nutrena Naturewise or their high protein equivilent. I have only fed them this brand so I am not sure. They LOVE LOVE LOVE all the treats we give them though :)
How are Bielies heat tolerance? I live in AZ and it get pretty dang hot. I really like this bread and would love to have them but only if they can handle it.

I live in southern AZ and have been battling temps above 105 ºF, up to 111 ºF so far. I must admit that my Biels are struggling with the heat the most. I bought a portable swamp cooler to help keep their portion of my cabin cooler, place frozen 2-liter bottles of water in their pen for them to lay against, give them ice water to drink, and keep a section of shady ground moist for them to dig around in. When we hit our peak heat a couple of my cockerels seemed to be really struggling, but a quick partial dunk in some cool water did the trick in restoring their comfort. I leave my chickens free to range around in my 1/2+ acre back yard, and keep their pen cooler so they always have a respite from the high afternoon sun. They seem to do okay up to about 100 ºF with low humidity here, though are obviously uncomfortable, but struggle quite a bit more with each degree increase.

I've been advised to ditch the breed for something that better tolerates the heat, but I honestly can't see giving up this breed. Mine are 16-17 weeks old and I love them. Six of my nine Biels are cockerels and are simply the easiest boys to have around. I may cross-bread them with some NN Turkens to create my own "desert-friendly" breed, but I'll also be breeding pure lines of Biels and working with them in hopes of selecting not only the best growers, layers, and personalities, but also those who display the greatest heat tolerance.
Anyone have picky eater Biel's?
I usually feed countryside organics products but I have some Dumor's grower/finisher as well. When I run out and have to give them Dumor's temporarily, they won't even touch it. They stare at it and then just sit there like they are on a hunger strike. I tried offering in the same and different containers that the other feed is given.

Mine don't like Dumor feed either. I usually get my feed from a local organic feed co-op, but ran out and had to buy something from the feed store. Luckily I only had to wait three days for my next feed shipment because the Biels barely touched the stuff, choosing instead to eat mostly grass and bugs instead. They even broke down and started eating ants, which is the only time I've seen any of my chickens eat ants.

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