A Bielefelder Thread !

They will grow till about 18 months.

Thank you for the info. I know some one who has bought hatching eggs from you . .She was extreamly happy with her purchase and her hatch. Can someone post a pick of the eggs bielefelders lay. Mine should lay any time now I think. Can you tell me at what age yours laied? I'm getting egg fever. Pam
I have a chance to see this breed today. They don't look that big. Is this breed rooster weight 10lbs?

My cockerel is huge but i would expect just like with any breed, not all will have the best examples or sizing for the breed. I have no clue what my guy weighs now but he is beyond an armful... Maybe i'll see if can weigh him today, he's completely capable of being handled.
Mine are the same age. Do you have eggs yet?

No eggs yet. I don't expect any for a while. They are getting redder, but not a lot. The roo is also not trying to mate anyone, even my mature layers.

They do eat plenty but i find mine very good foragers of coarse i own large ducks so probably am somewhat accustomed to larger appetites lol

My others are cream legbars and a basque. They are much smaller and eat less. I do find that the bielefelders are good foragers, but I keep mine in the run most of the time due to living within the city limits. I just revamped our coop and run situation and am going to try to grow some rye in unused areas of the run this winter. We will see how well that works...
I just got in my first batch of Bielefelder Fertile Eggs. I won them on an Ebay auction, which can always be a gamble. So far so good. They were packed pretty well. I can't see any obvious damages but won't know till I have time to unwrapp and candle each egg tonight. I am excited to get these set I just have to wait on the EE (frizzle & smooth) eggs that are due to arrive tomorrow. I have been wantin this breed for a while. Just super bummed I can't have roosters I would love to be able to breed. They are such beautiful birds and the egg color is amazing.

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