A Bielefelder Thread !

My three chicks are out. One pullet and two cockerels.
Hopefully hatches get better.

After waiting 35wks for my birds to lay, and now near 45wks, I am only getting 54-56gr eggs. I had one laid today that I think is a double yolker at 84gr. I'm setting whatever eggs I get. I don't really believe that egg size = chicken size. I have hatched pullet eggs for the last 4.5yrs and my tiny bantam eggs don't give me tiny chickens. They may be smaller when they hatch, but they grow to be the same as the rest. I believe nutrition and genetics determine the chicken's overall size. Not the egg they came out of.
Define "funny"  :/  

Edited to add: Maybe they are all just 'right winged'................................................:lau

I know you wanna :smack   me, huh???
Sorry, I could not resist !

Haha, never gonna smack ya. I've seen a few of them tuck the pin feathers under so they sit right, but sometimes they stick outward a bit.
Supersize Me was an enlightening documentary story. I also like the Korn documentary about the many ways govt subsidized GMO corn farms produce tasteless corn to be used to make corn syrup, and all the packaged corn cereals and products on supermarket shelves and in the fast food restaurants. The reason they have to add sugar or sweeteners to packaged/canned GMO corn is because it has no sweetness or flavor of its own. And to process corn into corn syrup, lye has to be used - ugghh! Boy, since having fresh eggs of our own IHOP and Denny's look positively sickly LOL!

If you liked that, I highly recommend reading "The Omnivore's Dilemma". I consider myself to be pretty well versed on nutrition, but I learned quite a lot from that book, and found it to be very entertaining to read as well.

We've just about eliminated corn from our diet, including from our chicken feed. No corn, soy or canola. One guy who buys 6-8 dozen eggs from me per week is nearly off of his cholesterol medication since he started eating my girls' eggs, and now he's talking about buying meat from me as well. We really are what we eat.
Thanks, but no I have not thought about it, I have not painted for the 3 years we took to build this house...and my creativity just dried up!
Finally I am painting again...yippee!
So we'll see what happens now, I have 4 or 5 slated for painting...2 half done...so maybe, but no promises !
And I did do Buckeye Standard Cock & Hen paintings about 3 years ago.

Oh I'd love to see those paintings! You have an incredible talent. I used to really enjoy sketching and took art through most of school I loved it very much and I was an ok artist. I always loved pastels and pencils best wish I could paint. I haven't done much in the way of drawing though since I lost my last scetch diary. I was so devastated I just couldn't and since then I can't seem to focus or choose a subject. Someday maybe I'll get inspired... I never thought to try and draw the chickens... I think I may need to get out a sketch book. I still miss my old one though sad how when things like that are lost they can't be replaced and it's such a big loss even if it's just an unnecessary piece of property.

I can see Swedish flower hens there, or what's that other fish eating  Swedish chicken? but I thought they were black? sfh are prettier. jmo

Oh yes SFH are stunning most of them I've seen a few in pictures that were kind of blah but most of them are gorgeous. They're on a long lost I'd like to try sometime. Although I do have to say I have some black orp 50%/English pullets and they are so gorgeous and a black oegb pair that are some of my favorite chickens the cockeral's hackle and saddle feathers shine and shimmer like black glass or diamonds. I never was much into black chickens before I got the four of them and now though not my favorite color they are something all their own and very unique.

she is half lab and half akita, minds like a cat... but now with some age is much better..

Boy can I relate. I saw this post earlier and let me tell you we have a great dane who at the time I read it was out running through a muddy field no matter what I said or did nothing stopped her not food not treats not anything. She was never properly taught "come" when she was younger, before I was in the picture, and now she's so big and so fast there's no way to catch her. Ugh it doesn't help that of every dog I've ever met she is the one with the smallest amount of natural respect and desire to please. I swear I think she is. Lol DH2B/and I watched "Marley and Me" for his first time a couple weeks ago and after the movie he just looked at Bella and said "We should call you Marley." Before the night was over it was mutually decided that she was worse than Marley. Lol
My three chicks are out. One pullet and two cockerels.
Hopefully hatches get better.

After waiting 35wks for my birds to lay, and now near 45wks, I am only getting 54-56gr eggs. I had one laid today that I think is a double yolker at 84gr. I'm setting whatever eggs I get. I don't really believe that egg size = chicken size. I have hatched pullet eggs for the last 4.5yrs and my tiny bantam eggs don't give me tiny chickens. They may be smaller when they hatch, but they grow to be the same as the rest. I believe nutrition and genetics determine the chicken's overall size. Not the egg they came out of.

yeah for chicks!
she is half lab and half akita, minds like a cat... but now with some age is much better..

"Minds like a Cat" HA HA HA! I know what that is like. We had a full Akita male that ate rocks, therefore his official registered name was Bon Kin the rock. And was not any way referencing the wrestler. He sadly did not listen either and got loose one day, went missing and we found out he was hit by a car and passed.
My three chicks are out. One pullet and two cockerels.
Hopefully hatches get better.

After waiting 35wks for my birds to lay, and now near 45wks, I am only getting 54-56gr eggs. I had one laid today that I think is a double yolker at 84gr. I'm setting whatever eggs I get. I don't really believe that egg size = chicken size. I have hatched pullet eggs for the last 4.5yrs and my tiny bantam eggs don't give me tiny chickens. They may be smaller when they hatch, but they grow to be the same as the rest. I believe nutrition and genetics determine the chicken's overall size. Not the egg they came out of.
Mine are now 1yr old this coming April 1st and routinely lay 70g eggs They ended up laying that size last fall through winter. Also, the eggs I've ordered off eBay were 70g/75g as well. I actually had one of my own lay an 80g egg this Spring and it was NOT a double yoker. No doubles yet, nor do I expect any.. My Buff Orps used to lay double yokers ALOT.

I do agree that chicken size does not dictate egg size; however, Bielefelders are notorious for laying big eggs and just so happen to be big birds.

Hang in there! They will get bigger if they're purebred Bielefelders!

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