A Bielefelder Thread !

Although I've been complaining about the low # of eggs this month, I can't believe the one I found today!

It was so big I had to measure it!
About 9.5cm long (about 3.75 in)

To get an idea of scale, those are my fingers. I am an adult woman - and not a small one.
The egg is HUGE.

4.15 oz

or 117.9 grams

If a 2.5 oz egg is considered Jumbo, what should THIS size be called?

Now I just can't figure out who it came from. The hen that usually lays the biggest eggs lays a peachy-white egg. This one is way too dark to be hers. It's a med brown like an orp at the beginning of her egg cycle. My orp hens have pale combs & are molting. I can't imagine this coming out of an orp pullet. (also no blood streaks on it) That only leaves my RIR or Bielefelder pullets. Their eggs are usually a little darker, but both have been laying since Aug/Sept - unlike the orps who have just started or soon will.
Maybe a double-egg and maybe you will finde a egg inside the egg.... When hens begin laying, the egg building process often not as syncron as it should be and so they have double-eggs. Keep an eye on your girls. A hen with this problem may be prone to get eggbound.
Although I've been complaining about the low # of eggs this month, I can't believe the one I found today!

It was so big I had to measure it!
About 9.5cm long (about 3.75 in)

To get an idea of scale, those are my fingers. I am an adult woman - and not a small one.
The egg is HUGE.

4.15 oz

or 117.9 grams

If a 2.5 oz egg is considered Jumbo, what should THIS size be called?

Now I just can't figure out who it came from. The hen that usually lays the biggest eggs lays a peachy-white egg. This one is way too dark to be hers. It's a med brown like an orp at the beginning of her egg cycle. My orp hens have pale combs & are molting. I can't imagine this coming out of an orp pullet. (also no blood streaks on it) That only leaves my RIR or Bielefelder pullets. Their eggs are usually a little darker, but both have been laying since Aug/Sept - unlike the orps who have just started or soon will.
Wow! I wonder if it has a double yolk? My Bielefelders have been laying lighter brown eggs - they might be from the younger hens. The size and shape are the same, but the color is not quite as dark, or as speckled.
I went out to the coop to take some pics of the spring/summer hatches - all grown up.
Here's "Hen Solo"
She's our only Bielefelder & one of the few that are laying. (Many are molting & 2 of the orps haven't started laying yet.) It's about 12'F outside (feels like -7'F), so I must attempt to collect eggs often. I'm only getting 1-4 eggs per day, so I'd hate to lose one b/c it froze. Temps are going to drop in the next few days. Sunday's high will be -5'F..... and you don't want to know the low !

Thankfully, the Biele's comb is not as tall as my orps. She should be fine.

WHAT A BEAUTY!!!!! Oh I love her colors!!!!

Hi all!

Does anyone have experience breeding a Bielefelder Roo with Black French Copper Marans Hens? I am wondering if the autosexing trait is seen in the first generation. I have set some in my NYD hatchalong, but am curious to see what your experiences are.
The auto sexing trait comes from a combination of a wild type base and sex-linked baring. You wouldn't see any autosexing/sex linking with a biel boy and a marans hen. all your babies would be solid colored and have a single copy of barring. If you had a marans rooster over biele hens you would get sex-linked offspring with solid colored girl chicks and solid with barring boy chicks.
WHAT A BEAUTY!!!!! Oh I love her colors!!!!
Thanks. She's such an easy-going, low maintenance bird. (We have some real divas in the flock, so it's nice to have a "normal" calm, sweet hen that doesn't demand all of my attention all of the time.) She's content to wait for her turn to sit on my lap and doesn't get too pushy when treats are being handed out. So glad she's not like my Sebright who often lands on my arm or shoulder if she wants attention or extra treats.
Just wanted to share my Bielefelder/Marans cross pullets. Bielefelder over Black Copper Marans and BBS Marans hens.

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Just wanted to share my Bielefelder/Marans cross pullets. Bielefelder over Black Copper Marans and BBS Marans hens.

Very pretty! I've a BielsxPBR cross that looks much the same. She pretty much was autosexing at birth, but according to Barred Rocks, not Biels standards. Go figure!

Quick question to the group - I am big into homemade bread and my chickens certainly enjoy the leftovers (sourdough and banana being their favorites!). Yesterday I made a really good loaf of rye that included a can of flat beer in the recipe. Would the beer hurt the chickens when it is time for the bread to go stale?

Thanks, BYC!!!!!!

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